Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Brothers Grim, Marching as to War (video)

To the delight of the leftist media, including the BBC, a Holocaust survivor approaching 90 years of age has made an impassioned plea for tolerance of migrants pouring into Europe and a condemnation of its rightwing opponents.  Her focus was on Austria, birthplace of a certain genocidal monster, and her message is to that extent understandable.  But that doesn't, of course, mean that her message is valid or relevant in general to what is occurring in Europe.

The many worried Europeans, Jew and non-Jew, who fear that today's mass Muslim migration into Europe, made up as it largely is of men of military age unaccompanied by women and children, is less a resettlement of peaceable refugee families than an invasion force resistant to assimilation, contemptuous of Western freedoms, and aiming for the islamification of Europe, with all that portends for future generations, will not take reassurance from this footage.

It was apparently taken in Hanau, a town east of Frankfurt-am-Main perhaps best known as the birthplace of the Brothers Grimm.

It purports to show a contemporary group of brothers grim, a bunch of Muslims in camouflage gear, looking like a fledgling military unit in training as they stride through the town.


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