Monday, 5 September 2016

"We Have a President Who Refuses to Identify the Enemy ... We Have to Take Back America" (video)

Notes strategic analyst Professor Efraim Inbar inter alia in a new briefing paper regarding the persistence of Islamic terror:
'The collapse of the Arab state system and the rise of political Islam have destabilized the Middle East and entrenched the region as the major source of global terror. Even the more stable states, such as Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, display strong Islamic tendencies and support radical groups that engage in terrorism. Not much can be done to change this situation. Accepting this unpleasant reality will entail a sea change in Western strategic outlook.
Several major developments in the Middle East will keep the region a wellspring of Islamic terror and a source of inspiration for Islamist radicals for the foreseeable future. Attempts to perpetrate acts of terror against the “enemies of Islam” should be expected to continue....
A critical historic trend in the Middle East that is feeding the terror phenomenon is the rise of political Islam. Islamic identity is deeply entrenched in the region, making the population susceptible to Islamist messages couched in traditional content. The Islamists have also capitalized on the Arab states’ inability to deliver decent services to their citizens by establishing educational networks as well as health and social services. 
This has been a winning strategy for them, in that it has allowed them to capture popular support. When free elections are allowed in the Arab world, Islamist parties do very well. However, most Islamists are anti-modern and anti-Western. Radical Islamist circles advocate violence and terror in the interest of installing “true Islam,” first in Muslim lands and eventually everywhere else. Islamists despise “the decadent West” and believe it will inevitably fall under Muslim rule....'
Read more here

All the more reason, then, to heed the words of such speakers at last month's "Can Islam Co-Exist With Western Civilization?" conference in Los Angeles (sponsored by the American Freedom Alliance) as the witty and wise Admiral James ("Ace") Lyons USN (retd.).
"It's un-American, anti-Western. but pro-Islam, pro-Iranian, and  pro-Muslim Brotherhood ... whose creed is to destroy us from within, with our own miserable hands,and replace our Constitution with draconian Sharia law," he declares bluntly.
Erdogan said it best ... "Islam is Islam.  There are no modifiers. Democracy is the train we ride to our ultimate objective, which is to make Islam dominant throughout the world" .
 He couldn't have said it any plainer ... Islam is a totalitarian ideology bent on world domination masquerading as a religion.... We have a national security crisis ... The greatest threat to our national security resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue... We have a president who refuses to identify the enemy ...
 In November ... you got a pathological liar ... and you want to turn the security of this great country over to her?  We must take back America.  This is a watershed."
 He also compellingly slams Obama's infamous "Iran Deal":

Also speaking at the conference, and discussing the Iran threat, was America's former ambassador to the UN, John Bolton:

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