Thursday, 8 September 2016

"BDS Works": Aussie BDSers Claim A Victory & Skew An Online Poll

More on this below
Paul Elliott is an official of the Health Services Union in Australia.

He's a bigshot in its national leadership

And in the leadership of its No 4 branch in the state of Victoria, of which he's secretary.

As reported by Anthony Galloway in the the Herald Sun on 25 August,
'The embattled Health Services Union has invited its members to embrace the anti-Israel boycott movement, prompting a furious response from Jewish leaders....
A motion passed by the union’s Victorian No. 4 Branch offers its support for the Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign.
Anti-Defamation Commission chairman Dvir Abramovich called on all union members to reject the “divisive” and “misguided” motion.
“It is alarming that the HSU, instead of advocating in matters of concern for their members, has decided to promote a fervently vicious and one-sided resolution that ­unfairly lays all of the blame at the feet of Israel,” Dr Abramovich said.
The branch’s secretary, Paul Elliott, defended the ­motion, saying he hoped it would help solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. [Emphasis added]
“The union movement has a long and proud history of supporting international affairs and being involved in international affairs, including being instrumental in the international campaign against apartheid,” Mr Elliott said....'
As a commenter on the Herald Sun article noted: 
'I think the HSU needs to make sure those supporting this boycott are given a list of things they need to boycott - starting with the life saving devices and medicines developed and produced in Israel. so when some life saving medicine is needed, they can then say 'sorry, not using that, we are boycotting all Israeli technology and inventions'
And as pro-Israel stalwart Michael Danby, Labor federal member for Melbourne Ports, observes of this sordid little affair: 
'Nearly half a million people have been killed in Syria in the last four years.300,000 civilians are trapped in Aleppo – surrounded by Iranians and Hezbollah and being carpet bombed by the Russian and Syrian governments – yet hypocritical far-Left unionists like Paul Elliot remain completely silent on the slaughter in Syria.
Displaying their entrenched hypocrisy, Elliot’s far-Left unionists show there are no limits to their attacks on the only liberal democracy in the Middle East, by adopting a ‘boycott, divestment and sanctions’ (BDS) policy against Israel.
The medical scientists, pharmacists and phycologists who pay their union subscriptions to the ultra-left HSU No 4 branch will need to ask whether the union’s discriminatory BDS policy instructions mean they will have to rip out the Israeli-made computer chips from their computers and cease prescribing medications which were developed or produced in Israel.
[T]hey (the union) should be more concerned with the fact that the general public think they are a union of crooks, rather than taking up the insignia position of the Nazis and boycotting Israeli and Jewish businesses.”
Mr Danby said that the motivations of the people who run the international BDS campaigns are very clear; what they are on about is the elimination of Israel, not some critiquing of its internal politics.'  [Emphasis added]
Meanwhile, the Australian Jewish News's just closed online poll this week concerning trade union activity in the light of the disgraceful HSU motion has been skewed by BDSers.

Sheer ignorance, sheer malice

More BDS shame in Australia, as told by a jubilant BDSer in Adelaide, where BDS activity has been particularly consistent and fanatical:

In the wake of Foreign Minister Julie Bishop's invitation to Bibi to visit Australia next year, more nastiness from a fervent Israel-demoniser:

What, I the reaction of these lefty females for Palestine to the misogyny within Palestine now being outwardly preached ("women are witches"), as the Israeli journalist Khaled Abu Toameh reveals here?


  1. Please read this-pro-Israel article:

  2. Prof Stuart Rees gets his budgie smugglers in a twist again
    'Many politicians may be frightened of what they think is the power of the Zionist lobby. They may be right about the financial and political power of that lobby............'


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