Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Pappe, Have You Heard Him?

I've said it before and I'll say it again (par the old British television commercial for a well-known, now defunct, chain of gentlemen's outfitters aka High Street tailors: "John Collier, John Collier, the window to watch!"):

David Collier, David Collier, the website to watch!

In the comparatively short time that David Collier has been blogging, he's produced some absolute gems.

And in case you haven't heard yet, he's caught out anti-Israel ex-pat academic Ilan Pappe admitting to what is the Big Lie of the BDS movement.

To quote reader Harvey:
"This post from David Collier is one of the most important scoops to come out of the on-going battle against BDS for some time. David attended a talk by the execrable Ilan Pappe last week in which Pappe kindly pulled the rug from under the BDS . He confirms what we have always suspected, that there was never a call for Boycott from within Palestinian society. It was a lie but the hard left brigade needed it to be compared to the South Africa model which was a call for boycott from within South African society. Pappe in this one short clip disproves it."
 But as Pappe laughingly says, "It's a desperate call ... for historical records":

For more on this see Collier's post here

And also see Elder of Ziyon here

(Update: And BBC Watch here)

Here's a long but valuable video by David Collier beginning "I'm going to talk about BDS"

Incidentally, the  very long-established Jewish communal newspaper in Perth, Western Australia, The Maccabean, has ruffled a number of leftwing communal feathers by refusing an advertisement from the New Israel Fund.   I reckon that befits the place where Australia's first ongoing Zionist body was born, and a newspaper that has always been proudly supportive of Israel.

Read about the brewing contretemps here

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