Sunday, 14 August 2016

Anti-Israel Hatefest in Scotland (videos)

An old post of Scottish PSC chief Napier, setting out some core views:

It's instructive to know what the enemy thinks, even if it could be seen as giving them oxygen.

And north of the Border this weekend a branch of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign has been holding an anti-Israel hatefest, where foot soldiers of the Israel-demonising movement got to see some of their idols up close and personal.

But not this idol:

Needless to say, the chieftain attended:

Representative videos.

More here 

 And  Israel-haters get to roleplay in Edinburgh, goodies and baddies, Palestinians versus the IDF (still from the video spruiked by Chieftain Mick):


  1. There is only one way to deal with Brownshirts and this is unmetaphorically kill them. I'm concerned who's offended by that. This is a war and the enemy has to be killed.

    1. Trudy, that's incitement to violence. Totally unacceptable.

    2. I think we are already in the presence of the incitement to violence.

      We know where this is headed. Should we at least arm ourselves?

  2. Miriam Margolyes and friends raise their ugly heads


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