Wednesday, 3 August 2016

A Blight of Ostriches

 The Ostrich in Rome's Pope's denial that Islam is not engaged in a religious war with the West has of course been received with delight by weaklings, quislings, and fellow-ostriches everywhere.

His assertion that

"It's not right to identify Islam with violence. It's not right and it's not true. I believe that in every religion there is always a little fundamentalist group....If I speak of Islamic violence, then I have to speak of Catholic violence"

has, as the BBC reports (the approval of his remarks by the leftist  broadcaster being, nonetheless, almost tangible, in its counter-examples), outraged many members of said Ostrich's Pope's own flock, with the hashtag #PasMonPape trending in the land where the aged Father Jacques Hamel was mercilessly done to death last week.

Unimpressed by his interpretation of the present conflict, the boys from Isis have issued a blunt message for His Holiness, though given his proclivities, it's unlikely to stop him turning a blind eye as well as the other cheek.

This foolish, dangerous man seems unwittingly bent on making the requiem for Father Jacques the requiem for us all.

(Update: Don't miss Professor Denis MacEoin's new article "The Pope and Holy War" here)

And of course the Pope is not the only opinion leader in the West, clerical or lay, who refuses to see the enemy, much less see the enemy's designs for what they are.

Contrast this proudly straight-talking guy regarding the future of Europe!

The anti-Trump brigade will (try to) have a field day with this!

"What happened, Angela?":

Meanwhile, re Hillary...

Important message:

Support the Gatestone Institute ( 
"What is the response of the American and European leadership to our new reality? Denial, word games and silence. And verbal attacks on citizens who insist on talking openly about the threats we face. They call us "Islamophobic," "xenophobic," or "racist" to try to silence us....Western governments have been successfully working with social media giants such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft to censor what they call "hate speech" – meaning any criticism of extremist Islam and illegal mass migration.In some European countries, the police are interrogating citizens for social media posts that are critical of the effects of unchecked migration.At a time when Facebook has censored, blocked or removed Gatestone's material, we refuse to be silenced; we continue to publish our carefully researched, accurate articles and video productions."
(This organisation, about which I have blogged several times,  must not be allowed to silence free speech regarding the Islamic threat:



  2. When I read today that a Holocaust Denying mayor in Germany was acquitted and that the anti immigration party in Germany is now lead by antisemites, I decided that, fuck it, let Europe burn to the ground.

  3. This organisation, founded in Australia by a young Jew with the best of intentions, has now outgrown its original brief and become a threat to free speech on the Islamist/migration issue.

    See also my update at end of above posr

    1. Every Aussie should see this Mike Holt video

    2. Never heard of him before.
      Meanwhile, the BBC is up to its old tricks of discriminating against whites in employment.



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