Monday, 18 July 2016

Blonde on Blond: A Blonde's Bombshell

"Why have jihadist terrorists made France Europe’s bloodiest battlefield? Simple answer: Because France let in the most Muslims."

So writes Australia's most-read (and most controversial) columnist, conservative Andrew Bolt (pictured), in the wake of the Nice atrocity.  He goes on, inter alia, in the Herald-Sun:

 "This link between immigration policies and terrorism largely explains why the French are the greatest victims of Europe’s jihadists.

 It also explains why we are fools not to change our own immigration policies to protect ourselves.
No European Union country has a higher proportion of Muslims than France — up to 10 per cent of its population, or six million people, though statistics are vague, and vary.
Yes, numbers don’t tell the whole story, but they do count....
France has the most Muslims, and that is why four people were killed, three of them children, in an Islamist attack on a Jewish day school in Toulouse four years ago.
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That is why 20 people were murdered in Paris in last year’s Islamist attacks on the Charlie Hebdo magazine and a kosher supermarket....
That is why 130 more people were murdered in Paris last November in an Islamic State assault on restaurants, a concert hall and a football stadium.
That is why a policeman and his wife were last month murdered by a jihadist outside their home.
That is why 84 people died in last week’s terrorist attack in Nice, when a Tunisian-born man rammed his truck into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day....
Japan has strict controls on immigration and its 127 million people include just 100,000 Muslims. Result: zero Islamist attacks.
Contrast that with Australia, which has a population of just 24 million, but 500,000 Muslims. How we’ve paid for leaving our door open....
The mathematics is clear: The more Muslims we import, the more danger we are in...."
One of the readers agreeing with Mr Bolt is television presenter Sonia Kruger, who has become  the whipping girl of the usual suspects of the Left for her remarks during a television news channel today in which Mr Bolt's column was discussed:

The betting seems to be on how much longer Ms Kruger will keep her job.

Meanwhile, on the warpath over free speech regarding Islam is the woman British Home Secretary (now Prime Minister) Theresa May (pictured, in hijab) banned from Britain along with Jihad Watch's Robert Spencer:


  1. Senator Pauline Hanson on Q&A -

    1. Ghastly woman. Bolt and Kruger aren't comparable to her. The ABC sure knows how to pack an audience, though, just like the BBC and "Question Time". The elephant in the room for all these leftists is Islam's misogyny.

    2. The elephant in the room is this -

  2. Australian Union of Jewish Students statement on Kruger kerfuffle -- them being 'immature and dangerous' only they're too immature to realize it yet --

    The Australasian Union of Jewish Students (AUJS) issued a statement saying: “We remember Australia’s response to the 1938 Evian conference in France, when the world was directly confronted with the question of the Jewish people’s future in Europe in light of the pervasive antisemitism which later erupted in to the systematic genocide of six million: “we do not have a racial problem, and we do not want to import one.”

    1. Let us hope they never learn the hard way.
      Meanwhile, Andrew Bolt defends Kruger against one of the usual suspects:

    2. I posted a reply to this on J Wire. It was critical of AUJS but hardly abusive.
      It was not published. It is standard for J Wire not to publish anything from me.

  3. I wonder why not. They do take a month of Sundays to add comments.


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