Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Anglican Father Dave: "Al Quds Day is a Day when God Brings Us Together ... An Intrinsically Religious Event" (video)

Although very much an Aussie in speech and rough diamond manner, Israel-bashing Sydney priest Father Dave Smith can be considered the antipodes' answer to the smoother, softer spoken English Rev Stephen Sizer.

 I last wrote about Smith here (where the photo of him at left appears in context).

Not that the Rev. Sizer, to my knowledge, has ever swathed himself in a keffiyeh (correct me if I'm wrong.)

No friend to Israel, but seemingly very warmly disposed indeed towards Islam, Father Dave (as he likes to be known) is a staunch supporter of BDS, of the "Right of Return" and of the other goodies in the anti-Zionist box of tricks.

And that includes, just like Sizer, support for the Iranian-inspired annual excrescence known as Al Quds Day. (Here he is on that day back in 2014, where his demagoguery drew forth spontaneous cries of "Free, Free Palestine".  Note the reference to "well-financed and powerful" regarding pro-Israel "propaganda" (is dat da Lobby, den?)  and use of the term Holocaust.

Here's the former boxer (who's yet to hang up his gloves) addressing his Muslim friends in Melbourne this year and demonstrating once again his repellent lack of empathy with Israel.

And here he is addressing his Muslim friends in Sydney:

More from that event:

Meanwhile, another glimpse of Al Quds in Australia's general region (my previous post shows Indonesia), namely, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (a few minutes of this very lengthy video provides the tone, with the numerous repetitions of a familiar phrase hinting at the mindset regarding the existence of the little land of Israel):

And in New York, an activist from Harlem spends a lot of time telling the assembled Israel-haters of the alleged "occupation" of his neck of the woods: "black and brown communities ... are under occupation every day by the NYPD":


  1. Elie Wiesel Attacked by New York Times:

    CONCLUSION: Jews should stop reading the New York Times.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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