Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Of Migration & Invasion

"As a refugee, I too welcome refugees. As a Jew, I am aware of the mitzvah of welcoming the stranger.

As an adult with life experiences, I resent economic invaders who jump queues and try to force themselves into advanced economies where they can benefit from social services.

As a prudent person, I want no part of people who come to my adopted country and demand that I and my fellow citizens submit to the standards of their religion. The same group that tells us that we must not blame them for the terror plans of a small group of them but then not only fail to condemn them themselves, but appoint extremists as religious leaders.

As a father and a grandfather, I condemn parents who have failed to raise children who respond to social issues in a rational and Jewish way."

So says an elderly Holocaust survivor in Sydney, in response to the demands of a group of youngsters calling themselves "Jews for Refugees" that Australia admit all of the illegal "refugees" who have tried to enter Australia by the back door and are now in detention offshore while their applications are considered.

He is absolutely justified, and so, despite the leftist and holier-than-though thought police, are the like-minded people, Jews and non-Jews, who deplore the current invasion of the European Continent by young men of military age posing as "refugees".

The other day, Nigel Farage, leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) and a staunch supporter of Brexit (Britain leaving the great bureaucratic tyranny known as the European Union) unveiled a poster in support of his stance that shows a vast crowd of young male migrants pouring into Europe.   It is a genuine photograph of real migrants, not some staged event.  It reflects what has been happening across Europe in the past few months.  Yet it has been condemned (most recently by no less a personage than J.K. Rowling) as "racist" and resembling Nazi propaganda.

What balderdash.

I'm not a particular fan of Farage, but such accusations trivialise genuine racism and undermine democratic debate.

They are attempts to silence those who deplore the creeping islamisation of Europe (sobering new article by Giulio Meotti here)  and what that entails for future generations (not least for women and girls).  Oh, and for Jews.

 The estimable Douglas Murray has once again drawn attention to Europe's migration nightmare here, and how Merkel and the rest of the European "elites" have no idea how to solve this problem that is of their own making.

Also from the Gatestone Institute and The Rebel, this, from Colonel Richard Kemp.


  1. I don't care if you think it makes me evil in your eyes. I don't want them here. I don't care what that has or doesn't have to do with Judaism or immigration or the American experience generally. I'm not on this planet to measure up to the liberal's bizarre agenda.

    I don't want them here. I will never want them here. I am for me and mine. And in my mind if you're not then you're an idiot, you're delusional.

    1. Present for you, Trudy.

  2. H/t to "Is the BBC biased" blog for this great article by Brendan O'Neill re the bias of the leftist political class and its use of Jo Cox's death to demonise opponents and shut down debate:
    The BBC are busy doing the same thing.


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