Thursday, 2 June 2016

Islamic/Leftist Antisemitism, BDS, and the "Apartheid" slur : A British Muslim speaks out (video)

This 15-minute J-TV  video comprises a wonderful tribute to Israel by the wonderful Dr Qanta Ahmed (in conversation with Dr Alan Mendoza), speaking from the heart and from experience about BDS (incidentally, there's a compelling new article here  showing why BDS is antisemitic), the "Apartheid" slur, and Islamist/Leftist antisemitism.

A must-watch from a channel that has produced a number of excellent videos (check it out):


  1. Very perceptive and eloquent woman. She has written a number of very interesting (IMO) blogs for the Times of Israel, e.g., a series on visiting the Dome of the Rock:

    1. Yes, she really is very eloquent. I rarely read the Times of Israel, merely because of time constraints, but will try to look more often. Thanks, Borhani.

  2. Some 60 Years to invention of "apartheid" slur by pro-Nazi, A. Shukeiri (Shukairy) on oct. 17, 1961 at the U.N.

    Ahmad al-Shuqairy, Shukeiri, Shukeiry , Shukairy:
    * At WW2, and his friends used to pray for Hitler's victories and for the defeat of Britain.
    * Escaped in the 1940's with his associate Al-husseini, mufti of Jerusalem, Hitler's ally.
    * Was a Nazis apologist.
    * At the end of 1940s, he "compared Israel's economic planning for Jerusalem with Hitler's planning for a Nazi ruled Europe".
    * In 1952 compared plight of living Arab refugees to Millions perished in WW2.
    * Invented the "apartheid" slur in Oct. 1961 at his UN diatribe (UN's 16th session). He also -at the same speech- objected to Eichmann being tried in Israel. It was on October 17, 1961. Almost 6 years before the six-day war which some call it an "occupation". Some 41 years before the security barrier anti terror defense erected in Israel.
    * In 1962 praised anti-Jewish nazi gang.
    * Called to annihilate the Jews in Israel in 1966: "a war of extermination in which not a man, woman, or child should be spared".


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