Wednesday, 8 June 2016

In Cardiff, Israel Haters Have A Knees-Up (video)

In Cardiff, the Welsh capital, a gaggle of mainly middle-aged and rather elderly women, accompanied by a few men and surrounded by Palestine Solidarity Campaign banners, join with gusto in singing the Arabic song Mawtini (dating to the time of the 1936 Arab Riots in Mandate Palestine and since adopted by the PA and Iraq as their anthems).

Watch the fervour with which some of these women trill out the lyrics (it's almost like some religious revival meeting in John and Charles Wesley's day).

The choir mistress, swathed in a large keffiyeh, has a spring in her step that belies her years.

What, I wonder, is it about the anti-Israel cause that makes their juices flow so? After all, many of them are old enough to remember when Arab armies almost wiped the tiny Jewish State off the map, as well as Palestinian Arab atrocities against Israel such as the Ma'alot massacre.

However, not so fervent, it appears, are passers-by, to judge by the forlorn look of that red bucket strategically placed to receive donations.

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