Sunday, 12 June 2016

Bashing Israel & Hamming It Up (videos) (updated)

"Liberal and Progressive" Rabbi Michael Lerner at Mohammed Ali's funeral, inter alia taking swipes at Israel and paying tribute to Islam and The Prophet (and looking like he was about to burst a blood vessel in the process):


You' might think, as I did, that Lerner's remarks would find favour with Israel-haters everywhere.

You might.  But you'd be wrong. Just look at the reaction his remarks have drawn from (wait for it!) Jonathan Azaziah, author of the following vile article, and certain of Azaziah's Muslim (and non-Muslim) friends (including an obsessive Israel-demoniser called Andy Taylor) on Facebook.

Visceral antisemitism, so starkly expressed, so clearly seen. 

 Across the Pond, from our old friend Alex Seymour, Israelophobe extraordinaire,  footage of  members of Richmond and Kingston PSC (what a well-heeled bourgeois bunch they seem, befitting their leafy habitat) at a fair at Ham Common in Surrey on the Saturday of this Queen's Birthday weekend, displaying among their goodies those mendacious maps.

Really, might it not be time for counter-demonstrators to attend such events, bringing with them leaflets that tell the great British public precisely why those maps are deceitful.  (I've linked on my sidebar to two websites that show up those maps for what they are.)

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