Tuesday, 17 May 2016

London Chimes & False Narratives

Remember my posts here and here about the infiltration of anti-Israel propaganda packs into British schools by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) in alliance with CAABU (the Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding) and the National Union of Teachers (NUT), Britain's largest teachers' union?

Well, these developments just got more sinister, as an Anglo-Jewish blogger tells:
".... This Jew hatred, this historical revisionism, this support for terrorism, has no place in our school system. We need to ensure that the NUT distances itself not just from these remarks, but from this insidious poison that underscores the PSC movement.
On Saturday, a Jew was evicted from the NUT headquarters because he is proud of his Jewish heritage and refuses to bow down before this revisionist propaganda. I reject entirely the lies that are being disseminated by the PSC movement. It is a movement with its roots in fabrication, denying Jewish history and supporting terrorism. Is all this now acceptable in London in 2016? Well the National Union of Teachers seems to think so.
So I say to the NUT directly. On Saturday 14th May, I was thrown out of your HQ.  I was thrown out shortly after hearing antisemitic, terrorist supporting garbage loudly applauded inside your headquarters. I deserve both a response and an apology."
The words are David Collier's and his full post can be read here
(Hat tip: Harvey)

Meanwhile, spruiking the narrative of the only "hereditary refugees" in existence:

 "As a Palestinian I am here to tell them ... We will return one day!" screams a familiar speaker outside Parliament in this video by our old friend Alex Seymour.

The end of the entire state of Israel is the aim.

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