Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Corbyn's Da Joos Crisis: items from an archive

As Jeremy Corbyn sinks deeper into the mire (hat tip Ian) allow me to  link to my latest Tuesday post on the Elder of Ziyon site.

The image at top left here appeared at the top of the article in The Times (7 March 1985) by Peter Bradley that I quote from in that Elder post.

Mr Bradley's article shows what a growing problem antisemitism was in the British Labour Party at that juncture, and of course (though the usual suspects have gone into overdrive to deny it, and turn their wrath on the estimable John Mann in crude and despicable fashion) it has hit crisis point now.
In the Elder post I quote from an article by the erudite Dr James Vaughan of the University of Aberystwyth.

I'll do more than hat tip Dr Vaughan.

I take my hat right off to him for the ensuing recent items I've borrowed from his Twitter page, items that help to illuminate the depth of Labour's antisemitism problem and are instructive as far as my Elder post is concerned.

So, should you happen to see this, Dr Vaughan, Diolch yn fawr!

The following is the cartoon that is referred to in Mr Bradley's article as appearing in Ken Livingstone's Labour Herald in 1985.

A retweet by Dr Vaughan (the [Sir] Richard Evans mentioned is this gentleman):

 The following item refers to Andrew Faulds, I believe, also mentioned in my post; I remember him well (even had an exchange of correspondence with him regarding his stance towards Israel).  This item from the notorious California-based Institute for Historical Review could have been innocently acquired and kept by him, of course.

 One from my own archive:

Getty image
 The photo shows the erstwhile Labour Secretary of State for Wales and Middle East minister Hain the Pain (also mentioned in my Elder post) in those radically socialistic "Young Liberal" days of his during which he did his best to demonise Israel and even opposed the right of persecuted Soviet Jewry to find respite there.

That was when this odious little man with the huge ambitions nauseously advocated replacing Israel with a "secular democratic state" (a goal to which he's openly returned).

Let's be grateful that he never fulfilled the prediction that he would one day become a Labour prime minister.

And let's hope that we'll be able to say the same of Corbyn and his ilk.

Meanwhile, a look at the archive of Jewish Labour MP Luciana Berger:

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