Tuesday, 1 March 2016

When To Whip A Virgin: Danish Imam tells (video)

No, it's not one of those kinky sex videos.

It's an imam, and a prominent one at that (apparently), in one of those former Viking lands that seem set on committing cultural suicide and taking the rest of Europe down with them.

He's  explaining to the female of the species the mandatory punishments the Religion of Peace metes out to married women on the one hand and virgins on the other if they should have the temerity to leave said creed.

Remember, this is not a lecture in some Middle Eastern hellhole.

It is a lecture in one of the nation states of northern Europe.

This is Danelaw, but not as King Knut knew it.

 Hat tip: Vlad Tepes blog (which also links to this scare for an Aussie televison crew in Sweden)

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