Thursday, 31 March 2016

Sleepwalking into a Caliphate (videos)

Canadian broadcaster Ezra Levant:

LibertyGB head Paul Weston (who incidentally contrasts the clampdown on "Islamophobia" by Britain's law enforcers with the lack of action regarding antisemitism) predicts a civil war in Europe, and tells Americans "Keep talking out against political correctness!":

(Hat tip: Vlad Tepes blog)

More from Mr Weston (in 2014) regarding British dhimmitude:

Meanwhile, reader Mr Cohen continues his series:


“The Koran, unlike the Bible, calls for a political movement for which all Muslims must fight, kill, and subjugate those of other faiths until Islam rules the world.”
SOURCE: They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It (chapter 1, page 24) by Brigitte Gabriel, year 2010, St. Martin’s Press, 288 pages, ISBN 0312571283, ISBN 9780312571283.

“Many Islamic practices, such as fasting, tithing, daily prayers, and profession of faith, have much in common with Christianity and Judaism. However, what makes Islam different from other religions is its call to kill and subjugate all other members of other faiths. The terrorist of today as well as imams in mosques throughout the world are calling for the deaths of millions of people around the world in the name of Islam. They are calling for jihad against the infidels, citing suras and verses from the Koran and Hadith to support their call to action.”
SOURCE: They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It (chapter 1, page 20) by Brigitte Gabriel, year 2010, St. Martin’s Press, 288 pages, ISBN 0312571283, ISBN 9780312571283.

"Westerners come from a Judeo-Christian background, where the teaching of faith centers on love, tolerance, and forgiveness. They do not understand that the sword of Islam represents hatred, intolerance, murder, and the subjugation of anyone not Muslim."
SOURCE: They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It (chapter 1, page 13) by Brigitte Gabriel, year 2010, St. Martin’s Press, 288 pages, ISBN 0312571283, ISBN 9780312571283.

Ayaan Hirsi (ex-Muslim, now atheist) 2015 March 20 said:
“…the call to violence and the justification for it are explicitly stated in the sacred texts of Islam”
The Wall Street Journal, quoted by Bernard Goldberg 2016/1/19 in the article: When Is a Crime Committed in the Name of Allah Not About Islam? in Jewish World Review:

Dennis Prager said:
“According to Pew Research, approximately 10 percent of world Muslims have a favorable opinion of the Islamic State and terror against civilians. That's more than 100 million people.”
SOURCE: The World Is Getting Worse But This Time America Won't Save It by Dennis Prager, 2016 March 8, seen in Jewish World Review

Verses of Violence in The Koran:

20 Violent Koran verses:


Documentation Vindicates Trump’s Claim of 9/11 Muslim Celebrations


  1. Replies
    1. Wow! Ben Shapiro is one of the bravest and best. Thanks, Ian.

  2. Michael B. Oren said:

    “The dangers became apparent in September 2000 as a Black Hawk helicopter transported me and my combat gear across the West Bank. The previous night, I looked out from our Jerusalem balcony and saw crimson fireworks bursting over the West Bank. Arafat had recently met with President Clinton and Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak at Camp David and turned down their offer of Palestinian statehood in Gaza, virtually all of the West Bank, and half of Jerusalem.

    The Palestinians were now celebrating the failure of peace.”

    SOURCE: Ally (page 35) by Michael B. Oren (former ambassador of Israel to the United States), year 2015 CE, Random House, New York

  3. Michael B. Oren said:

    “Negotiating with a representative of the Libyan pirates in [year] 1786 [CE], Thomas Jefferson was told that the Quran commanded the destruction of all non-believers, Americans included.”

    SOURCE: Ally (page 41) by Michael B. Oren (former ambassador of Israel to the United States), year 2015 CE, Random House, New York

  4. Cornelius Tacticus, the famous Jew-hating Roman historian who lived
    from year 56 CE (approximately) to year 120 CE said:

    “Much of Judea is thickly studded with villages, and the Jews have towns as well.
    Their capital is Jerusalem. Here stood their Temple with its boundless riches.”

    The Western World (page 141) by Pearson Custom Publishing, year 2009 CE

    The Histories by Tacitus, The Jews (Book 5), paragraph 8 of 13.


    {1} Muslims are LYING when they deny that Jews trace their historical origins to the Land of Israel.

    {2} Muslims are LYING when they deny that Jerusalem is the historical capital of the Jewish state.

    {3} Muslims are LYING when they deny that the Jewish Temple existed in Jerusalem.

    {4} Notice that Tacticus mentioned Judea, NOT Palestine.

    {5} Tacticus never mentioned the Palestinian people, even though he wrote
    much about Jews and their land, because there were no Palestinian people in his time.


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