Thursday, 24 March 2016

"Jewish Privilege": Wanna know its secret?

A clue:
Another clue:

 A related one:

Simple, innit.

See? (more from Mr Rosenberg here):

Yes, more unashamed antisemitism from Tony Gratrex, the incorrigible organiser of the Reading Palestine Solidarity Campaign branch, a Facebook friend of Stephen Sizer (who as I've said many times really should have the decency to de-friend him):
How about it, Your Reverence?


  1. In a weird way I see this as a positive thing. Europe is burning to the ground and their response, their fire department's only role is to scream and pout about the Jews. Well if that all it takes to wipe out the people most deserving of it, then I'm willing to tolerate their hate speech for a little longer.

  2. Mr Cohen, Many thanks. I have also made your comment into my next post. Hope you like it.

  3. Thank you very much, Daphne Anson.

    I have lots of excellent pro-Israel materiel, if anyone asks me for it.

    1. If there is anything you think is suitable for posting again, perhaps as a guest blog from you, please contact daphne.ansonatgmaildotcom


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