Monday, 1 February 2016

The Hiss of Hass

"David Collier, David Collier, the website to watch!"

British readers of a certain vintage will realise immediately that the above sentence paraphrases a famous advertising jingle for a (now defunct) chain of High Street tailoring stores: "John Collier, John Collier, the window to watch!"

 David Collier runs the always compelling and sometimes spell-binding British pro-Israel blog Beyond the Great Divide.

His latest post concerns an odious analogy made at what seems to have been essentially an anti-Israel hatefest at the University of Kent  by a certain female Israeli journalist (the hint as to who is on my play on words in my header).

Writes David Collier inter alia, in a formal complaint to the university:
"....The horror that modern antisemitism is being spread in campus, amongst the educated, rather than in the deprived neighbourhoods, makes it a considerable threat. One that the University of Kent just assisted. Over here of course, they translate the word ‘Jewish’ as ‘Zionist’ to evade censure, then they can say anything they like. Last week, on the FB [Facebook] timeline of someone advertising your event, I saw a comment of ‘just kill all the Jews’. Two minutes later it had been changed to ‘Bastard Zionists’. In the mind of the author they are one and the same.
As a Jew in the UK there will be no running. I will not sit down and ignore the fact that antisemites are taking control of the streets and the campus. I will not silently turn my back as if I do not know where this road leads. I will not let the University of Kent provide a stage for the [Tsarist era forgery] Elders of Zion and walk away as if I just have to accept it.
A simple apology is not good enough. 200 people left the room having been fed antisemitism on your campus. These people need to be told that what they applauded was antisemitism. Each of those people is a little bit more ‘extreme’ than they were before hearing the speech. Some had a pure ‘fix’ for their addiction. And the Jews in the UK? Well, we are all just a little bit less safe than we were.
I heard mention of the Elders of Zion in your university. I heard talk of Jewish conspiracies. I look forward to receiving your thoughts."
Be sure to read all of David Collier's complaint here and his connected post (with video of the Hass speech) here

Meanwhile, another excellent British pro-Israel blogger, the intrepid Richard Millett,who frequently goes where others fear to tread, describes here his despicable treatment at a recent anti-Israel hatefest in London.



    1. Ah, yes, Nathan, Al Beeb's bosom pal "Bari" who vowed to dance in Trafalgar Square if an Iranian missile ever hits Israel.
      That's Corbyn's Labour Party for you. (With honourable exceptions, of course.)


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