Thursday, 18 February 2016

Class War Warrior

From an article intended to show what a great president Bernie Sanders would make, but which should surely make realists shudder:
Been and Seen in New York City
 'She started by referring to the Islamophobic bigotry of many of the Republican candidates. As she continued, calling herself “an American Muslim student who aspires to change the world,” Sanders interrupted her to invite her up to the stage and embrace her, and then, respectfully, he gave her the opportunity to finish her question onstage on equal footing. How would Sanders respond, Abdelgadar asked, to the Islamophobia spouted by the Republicans and amplified by the media? Sanders gently took her hand and stood next to her at the lectern as he responded.
Had this scene been scripted, it would have been a remarkable tableau vivant. It was not rehearsed, but neither was it accidental. Sanders’s response to her question gave us a rich insight into the Socialist worldview that underpinned the Jewish and multicultural Brooklyn environment in which he was raised, which goes a good way toward explaining his broad and growing appeal.
Sanders began by equating anti-Semitism, racism and Islamophobia. He hearkened to his own Jewish heritage and recalled the murders of his father’s family in Nazi concentration camps. Racism is not only about pent up hatred and stupidity, he explained; it is also a tool that politicians and the wealthy elite use to keep workers divided and to weaken their efforts to organize....'
Read it all here

Sobering claims here

And here


  1. Legal Insurrection has the other, other side of the story.
    Anti-Israel activists hating on Bernie Sanders

    Note how the BLM person who took over Bernie's mic at a rally also claims to be a "palestinian"!
    Blair's Law in action.


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