Sunday, 24 January 2016

The Ugly Face of Wallström's Sweden

Here are a trio of recent videos that illustrate the ugly face of the once beautiful, now ruined, land of Sweden, whose female Foreign Minister, the frightful Margot Wallström, demonises Israel every chance she gets.

That's the same Margot Wallström mentioned here (she held that position from 2010-14):

First, a video that needs no translation, featuring a man from a "very conservative culture" (to use BBC-speak for misogynistic Middle Eastern/North African societies).  Watch this wretch try to rob an elderly woman, and then spit at and whack a younger woman who's wise to what he's up to.

Second, a fine brave candid look at rape statistics in Sweden (and the "politically correct psychosis" regarding them):

Third, a distressing example of the despicable absurdity of Sweden's penal system:

O, Leftist Feminism, what hypocrisy you foster!

O, Eurabian Multiculturalism! What crimes against women are committed in your name!


  1. Of course not - these leftist enablers of invasion must not care a fig for their own children and grandchildren. It's so so sick.



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