Friday, 22 January 2016

Palestinian Propaganda's "Willing & Blind Accomplices"

Introducing Al Beeb's Mario Cacciottolo, who's not only a chocoholic, and an Asterix and Beano man.

The BBC's so obviously leftist Jon Donnison, flouting objectivity once again with this tweet against Trump and Palin

and notorious for his own stupidity regarding a certain photograph of a dead Arab child

might be better employed reflecting on the stupidity of his colleague Mario, who's frankly described as a "cretin" in this expose by the excellent David Collier:

Yes, like Donnison himself, Mario has proved himself all too eager to act as a megaphone for Palestinian propaganda.

Here are snippets from a great post on an always interesting and perceptive blog that monitors the BBC (here):

As Hadar Sela, now of BBC Watch, wrote at the time of Donnison's Israel-defaming use of that photograph, that casual apology of Donnison's " is nowhere near sufficient".

And to quote Collier concerning this latest gaffe-outrage:
"The damage has been done. A terrorist supporting propagandist, has elicited more sympathy for the Palestinian cause simply because the BBC have become willing and blind accomplices. They fell for a PR trick and spread the work of a PR man for the Palestinian cause, undiluted. The ‘reporters’ who regurgitate the spin do not perform even the most cursory of background checks. Our taxes [i.e. the licence fee] funded unfiltered Hamas propaganda without the BBC even blinking."


  1. Cacciottolo should stick to his favorite comic strips

  2. Israel hater Melissa Parke is retiring, but I wouldn't be surprised to see her wealthy new husband being co-opted into putting on "The Death of Klinghoffer" and "Seven Jewish Children" at West Australian Opera.
    Fremantle MP in surprise retirement

    1. Sorry, Ian - forgot to thank you for this. I haven't looked at it yet, but will soon.


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