Tuesday, 26 January 2016

In Europe, A Spreading Virus (video)

It's reported that: 
"... Professor Nir Barzilai, director and founder of the Institute for Aging Research at Yeshiva University's Albert Einstein College of Medicine ... is overseeing a clinical trial titled "Targeting Aging with Metformin", or TAME, which seeks to discover whether Metformin, a medication prescribed for diabetes, may also delay the onset of aging-related illnesses, such as cancer, heart disease, and cognitive impairment.
The trial is currently in the final stages of planning and is searching for further sources of funding. The planned trial is to involve administering Metformin to thousands of elderly people, some of whom suffer from the aforementioned illnesses, and some of whom have the potential to develop the illnesses. Another group of subjects, identical in makeup to the first, is to be given a placebo as a control...."

Comments (hat tip: reader P) a British woman whose name does not suggest an Islamic identity, though I have no idea of her personal circumstances:

It's in part a reflection of the influences under which European Israel-haters now find themselves that the antisemitism that underlies so much of the anti-Israel movement doesn't always bother, as it once did, to try to disguise itself.

Regarding the spread of the virus of Islamic antisemitism in today's Europe, here's a lecture (the video's 86 minutes long, mind!) by the Syrian-born German-based scholar Professor Bassam Tibi

(The meeting's chairman really should heed the old adage that "brevity if the source of wit": his introduction of the speaker is almost a speech in itself!)

And here's Merkel ...


  1. Muslims, Arabs, Pushtuns and others have never created or even added to antisemitism in Europe. They simply revealed it, again. And let's be blunt. Europe consciously decided to outsource what they hope is the next Holocaust in Europe TO the 'refugees'. After all, the Arabs, Maghrebis and others put up ethnic cleansing numbers that would make the Nazis feel ashamed at their own weak efforts. Jewish eradication from the Arab world is essentially 100%.

  2. Pat Condells's well-deserved Hasby on this theme:


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