Thursday, 21 January 2016

Blaming Eau de Cologne

Well, what a surprise.  A Salafist imam in Cologne has demonstrated his creed's odious attitude to women by blaming the plight of the Cologne rape victims on themselves:

'Speaking to major Russian channel REN TV, Imam Sami Abu-Yusuf’s remarks came during a 12 minute segment bringing Russians up to date with the latest developments in the migrant invasion of Europe.

 Sandwiched between eyewitness-footage of migrant rampages in Cologne, women being sexually assaulted by apparently Arab gangs, and a segment on a surge of interest in self defence courses in Germany the Imam told the interviewer: “we need to react properly, and not to add fuel to the fire”.
Explaining in the view of Salafist Islam why hundreds of women found themselves groped, sexually assaulted and in some cases raped by gangs of migrant men in cities across Germany the Imam said: “the events of New Year’s Eve were the girls own fault, because they were half naked and wearing perfume. It is not surprising the men wanted to attack them. [Dressing like that] is like adding fuel to the fire”.
The tone of the report was telling, expressing no surprise that Muslim mass migration would result in violence and gang-rape. The narrator of the report told viewers that after the events of New Year’s Eve it was becoming difficult to tell who’s country Germany was, one belonging to Muslims or to Germans. Also expressed was the opinion that the sex attacks were no more than a dress rehearsal for something much bigger to come...'
 Read more on this stinker here

Meanwhile,  there's at least one leftist German women's rights activist who, enraging some of the perverse elements in the sisterhood, has dared to lay the blame for the multiple sexual assaults on women in her own home town and elsewhere on New Year's Eve where it resides.

It's reported that Alice Schwarzer 'became a lightning rod for feminist [shouldn't that read "feminist"] and anti-racist anger after New Year’s Eve when she condemned the attacks on women as a “gang bang” designed to terrorize women.'

But she's unrepentant, as indeed she should be:
“Many feminists have remained silent from the outset regarding the problem of Islamist agitation, out of fear they will be accused of racism. It’s the old hierarchy of victims, that we already knew in [the student protests of] 1968. Then it was called class struggle before the battle of the sexes. Today it is called anti-racism against feminism.
It is unfortunately a fact that many of the so called ‘post-feminist’ Internet feminists who are for pornography and prostitution are in favor of the head scarf and even the burqa. They say this is all about the free choice of women...
[T]he crime scene on New Year’s Eve seems very strange, because in Germany we have never seen this before: mass sexual violence in public with a powerless police looking on. This is a whole new dimension.
I think this explosion of sexual violence on the same night in five countries and in a dozen cities is no coincidence. This is organized." 
She went on:
I’m not talking about Muslims, or Islam as a faith. I’m talking about the politicization of Islam, the right-wing Islamism, whose banner is the veiling of women. This started in Iran in 1979 with Khomeini, and (elsewhere) it has been financed by Saudi Arabia. The Islamists firmly established themselves in Afghanistan and Chechnya (with introduction of Sharia law in 1994), Algeria (200,000 dead in the 1990s) and are now are arriving triumphant in the heart of Europe.
The Islamists have not only stirred up misogyny among young Muslim men towards women over recent years and decades, but I am also convinced the sexual violence of New Year’s Eve was provoked [by them]. There were a few hundred willing followers.”
Read more about the feminist/"feminist" response to Cologne in an interesting piece here

And in the Netherlands, disquiet in the wake of Cologne:

1 comment:

  1. Unbelievable excuse for the rapists by a Guardianista "feminist".


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