Thursday, 31 December 2015

Yes, Virginia, Miracles Do Happen

As infrequently happens, a great article in Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz that actually supports Israel rather than denigrating it.

This one is by a freshman at Ivy League institution Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, who observes:
 '.... Anti-Israel circles understand that their cause isn’t even on the radar of the average college student. By hitching their wagon to issues with greater popular appeal, pro-Palestinian activists seek to expand their tent and build a coalition larger than the handful of students fanatic enough to spend their college years slandering Israel.
Ironically, this disturbing phenomenon is hardest not on conservative-leaning Jewish students, but on left-wing Jewish activists who don’t support BDS. Social justice work is increasingly seen as a “package,” and one cannot be for racial justice, gender equality or humanitarianism without also swearing allegiance to the cult of Israel-despisers.
Left-wing Jews hew to the same social vision as the progressive community – but Israel and BDS are thorns for those who still believe in Zionism....
This discomfort is particularly dangerous because left-leaning young Jews are a weak link in the American-Jewish community’s relationship with Israel. As any exit poll can tell you, American-Jews do not, on the whole, vote based on Israel. American Jews vote for candidates who share their liberal social values. Thus, liberalism trumps pro-Israelism for most secular Jews. What will be when liberal Jewish students are forced to choose between their allegiance to Israel and their commitment to social justice? What will happen when not supporting BDS is seen as a fatal tribal weakness? The answer should frighten anybody concerned with the future of the Diaspora’s relationship with Israel.' 
 Read all of Jared Samilow's article here

Of course, the true miracle will come when the leftist Israel-haters, including "feminists" like the ones in the image above, cast off their blinkers and castigate the countries that really do curtail human rights, including the human rights of that half of humanity considered inferior and treated as little higher than animals in certain cultures and countries.

Supporting brave true feminists such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali would be a welcome first step.

(For a loathsome pro-BDS "feminist" article, by an ex-pat Israeli no less, see here)

Ayaan Hirsi Ali telling last year why she supports Israel (a powerful argument from her):


  1. Daphne what a weird female/I presume feminist bishop in Sweden taking down Christian symbols for Muslims in her diocese

    1. Thanks (groan!) - happily, the other female cleric mentioned in the article is rather more sensible, Veronica.

  2. Here's Ayn Rand's argument
    Ayn Rand on Israel and the Middle East


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