Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Manic Mount: The ugly, ugly face of BDS

This vile, despicable story is going viral in cyberspace.  And no wonder.

What a low low hobby horse the ex-Cambridge academic has decided to ride.

Of course, the usual suspects on social media are greeting this with all the smells of the stable floor.

The incident is cited, inter alia, in David Collier's latest blogpost, which situates it in its context. His is a must-read indictment of BDS.

As always, the erudite David Collier is a master of his material, writes beautifully, and argues compellingly.  He is, quite simply, one of the luminaries of the pro-Israel blogosphere.  On this scorcher of a day in Oz, I raise my sunhat to him! 

1 comment:

  1. Anne's Opinions (an English woman who made aliyah some years back) has posted a comment on her site here:

    The article and the comments underline the point that Daphne is making.


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