Monday, 28 December 2015

Heavy Breather Spews Antisemitism on BBC London Radio Broadcast

They're from Khazaria, don't you know.  "They control the money."  "The Rothschilds control us."  But our anti-"Zionist" heavy breather seems to like "those guys in the big hats and the curly hair". The ones who are "pure Judaists," you see.  (Ah, yes, the Neturei Karta nuts who are so screwed up that they join in anti-Israel demos on Shabbat.)

I wonder whether the Heavy Breather turns up at anti-Israel demos or just curses da Joos from his garret.

The presenter, Simon Lederman, pluckily debates him, but, as Lederman freely admits, gives him more airtime than he's given anyone.  Overall, many people would say "Foolish Lederman, and shame on the BBC for giving this obvious antisemite 13 minutes of airtime".  After all, as one appalled listener comments, "You can't reason with prejudice."

Meanwhile, just three examples of Facebook antisemitism Reader P sent my way yesterday (regarding the first, what the devil do the pronouncements of Patricia Hewitt and Harriet Harman have to do with the Magen David?! Sick, so very sick.  The others are from anti-"Zionist" sources.):

"It's baaaack!"

And how.


  1. It never left. All you're seeing is its increasingly unashamed legitimacy.

    1. Sadly, you are right. The Shoah made it disreputable to voice anti-Jewish hatred in public. The anti-"zionists" have changed all that.

  2. The phone-in host was a complete ass in not cutting him off as soon as he made his evil clear - almost at once, and Lederman was also a complete ass in conceding a point about Israel. I know Lederman was caught off guard but he had 13 minutes to recover from being caught off-guard - 30 seconds should have done it.


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