Thursday, 3 December 2015

Coming Soon to a Venue Near You? (video)

Unmissable article about Muslim immigration into Europe by Isi Leibler here


  1. With apologies for finding an inappropriate place to post this, but your readers might like to view Hilary Benn's speech to the House of Commons (UK) in favour of extending the UK's bombing of ISIS to Syria:

    You'll need to scroll down to the video: the speech is only 14 minutes long, but he reminds his Labour colleagues of their proud history (as a political party) of anti-fascism, which he says is exactly what ISIS/Daesh is. Indeed, Clement Atlee, Ernest Bevin, Nye Bevan, herbert Morrison, to say nothing of Harold Wilson must be turning in their graves at the display of appeasement by the likes of jeremy Corbyn.

    Watch the video, please, and tell me what you think.


    1. Thanks, Brian. Links are always very welcome, off topic (of post) or not.


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