Tuesday, 24 November 2015

"They're Finding It Antisemitic," London policewoman warns anti-Israel chanters (video)

In London, a bunch of usual suspects, addressed by the familiar Sandra, demonstrate at the weekend outside the venue at which the Jerusalem Quartet is playing.

At the beginning of the video we see an elderly gentleman angrily snatch the Palestinian flag just as  the demonstrators are about to raise it on their flagpole.

Their subsequent screams of "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free," that vile war cry meaning that the Jewish State must be eradicated, and thus denying Jewish rights to self-determination in the Jewish homeland, proves too much for some Jewish concert-goers, who complain to a policewoman that the phrase, with its inherent concept, is antisemitic.

The policewoman warns the little gaggle of usual suspects that the complainants could report their chanting as "a hate crime," should they care to do so.

(Video by BDS activist Alex Seymour)

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