Monday, 30 November 2015

No Israel Please, We're Jewish Students

With nasty chants such as these on college campuses it's no wonder Jewish and pro-Israel students feel intimidated:

(The venue: Hunter College in New York; the chants: "Zionists out of CUNY!" and "Long live the Intifada!")

Even so, US-based Rabbi Shmuley Boteach was ill-prepared for the craven response of Jewish students across the herring pond a few days ago when he mentioned the "I" word:
'What shook my confidence in British Jewry today was my experience at King’s College [London] where I was invited to address the Jewish Society. I focused my remarks on Israeli democracy and the ways in which it could be a model for the autocratic Arab states of the region. Israel is the great hope for the spread of human rights throughout the Middle East.
As I spoke, I could see my hosts growing restless and the discomfiture on their faces surprised me. I was in for a bigger shock, however, when my hosts stopped me mid-lecture and said that they were opening the floor for questions. I am always happy to respond to questions, friendly or hostile, but I have rarely been interrupted so abruptly by the people who invited me to speak. (The talk was video taped on a phone.)
When I asked for an explanation, I was told by the president of the organization, a young man wearing a yarmulke, that the Jewish Society has a policy against speaking about Israel. The group, he said was non-political and focused on “Jewish subjects.”
Israel not a Jewish subject? I was dumbfounded. It was as if Israel had become the Voldemort of nations, the country that dare not be named.
When I recovered from the shock, I asked if I should speak about lox and bagels, klezmer music or Manischewitz wine. My sarcasm seemed to go right over my hosts’ heads. For them, Israel and Judaism were unrelated. I asked if the murder of Israeli citizens in countless terror attacks over the past month was likewise a “political issue,” or one of human rights. I was told by one of the students that these things needs not be put in boxes. Worse, I sensed that these students, who had enough pride in their heritage, and commitment to their faith, to wear their yarmulkes in public, had become so cowed by the omnipresent hostility and bullying on and off British campuses that they were afraid to engage in a dialogue about Israel.
The talk was video taped on a phone and the discomfort of the students discussing, let alone defending, Israel is deeply jarring....' 
 Read more here

See this by Boteach too


  1. A relevant clip from Douglas Murray's podcast with Sam Harris
    Douglas Murray W/ Sam Harris - Political Correctness [Racism/ Yale Students]

    The whole thing is worth listening to, especially Murray's rant about Bruce Jenner
    On the Maintenance of Civilization

  2. Jews across the globe will be compelled to practice some brutal triage. There are some communities that can't be saved and Britain is possibly one of them. At under 200,000 Jews in Britain it won't be a catastrophe if half of them leave or assimilate or generally disappear. Jewish existence in Europe is flickering out generally so where it starts to evaporate doesn't entirely matter. Britain, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Germany - wherever. The trend is obvious.

  3. Students answer back


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