Monday, 9 November 2015

Mick the Knife

One of our old friends, Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign chief Mick Napier, seems to have swallowed hook, line and sinker the odious canard (blood libel, really) expressed in this cartoon:

Over the weekend, in Glasgow, Mick, who like fellow-Scot Gorgeous George is no slouch in the demagogic stakes (George is a much snappier dresser, though), repeated the canard at a rally called by Israel-haters in Scotland to plug BDS, the right of return, and the ultimate eradication of the Jewish State.

Mick's time in the spotlight begins at 15.35 and runs until the end of the video.  Previous speakers shown in this video are Issam Hijjawi, an SPSC member and chair of the umbrella group Palestine Alliance, and the chair of the Muslim Council of Scotland, Azam Abu Jaffar.  Where from the outset Mick plays "bad cop" they appear to cast themselves in the role of "good cop".  Needless to say, the assembled faithful eats it all up.

As usual, talk only of Palestinian Arabs as victims and perpetual refugees; no mention of Arab rejectionism and other awkward facts of history and politics ...

 Apparently there were other speakers, of whose speeches further videos will be forthcoming.

Another knife attack for Mick to spin:

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