Monday, 19 October 2015

"The World Has Stood On The Sidelines, Allowed The Palestinians To Glorify Terrorists & Murderers" (videos)

Wise words from the Israeli ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer:

The USA's former ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, on the current violence:

Screeching, shrieking anti-Israel hatred in Sydney this past weekend (they seem shy of sharing their video, so go here).

Another video (by Alex Seymour) of the hysterical London demo (in which, inter alia, Galloway approvingly compares the Palestinian Arab terrorists to the French Resistance and makes it crystal clear that he wants Israel abolished "From the river to the sea"):

I wonder what they think of this kid:

Absolutely fabulous! (Hat tip: Ian)

Meanwhile, from the ghastly Ms Guerin:

I don't think the enquirer will get an answer, do you?


  1. MSNBC gives a half-hearted apology for broadcasting anti-Israel propaganda and incitement
    MSNBC Apologizes For Palestinian Map-Gate


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