Tuesday, 1 September 2015

More Anti-Israel Agit Prop in London (videos)

Oh, the perils of moving house and being assured by your Internet service provider that everything would be up and running within ten days, only to then learn that the provider in question has run out of space and that you will have to sign on with another.  That's the Aussie provider Dodo for you, at least as far as poor old Daphne's experience is concerned.  So for the next week or even fortnight I shall have to blog from the homes of friends, and inevitably blogging and posting comments will be rather sporadic..

Hence this present post has been put on mainly to show that I'm still alive.

First, footage early in August of the Big Ride for Palestine as the intrepid pedallers all the way from Edinburgh (and locations en route) hove into the home stretch.

Secondly, similar foes of Israel a couple of days ago, in Slough, a bedroom suburb of London that's not known for its beauty, even though it's not that far, as the crow flies, from the pretty village Stoke Poges of Gray's Elegy fame.

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