Saturday, 15 August 2015

Scottish PSC Chief Napier's Nae Sae Canny Claim

The photo:

The Scottish PSC chief's triumphant claim on Facebook, delighting Irish anti-Israel activist and musical composer Raymond Deane among others (the number of "Likes" has escalated since I took this screenshot), and attracting a large number of "shares" as well as commendatory comments:

The actual context:

The moral of the story:

A lesson Mick, who has sometimes evinced what we might characterise as an "eccentric" attitude to Jews and Israel (how's this, for example?), might have learned following this earlier blooper, of course!

And although Australian leftist Sol Salbe, an ex-pat Israeli, is (and this is surely an under-statement) very far from being a pro-Israel voice, he's done yeoman service on Napier's follow-up post with this remark to one of Napier's historically-challenged followers:


  1. Photoshopped and poorly. Not only does the road end inexplicably including the area on the edges of the road but the body the on the right (arm, leg?) is split in two - something a better Photoshop artist could have disguised by cloning.

    There is a huge colour shift presumably from attempting to hide the the difference in two photographs that did not match.

    Well spotted Sol Salbe. Unfortunately this form of deception is the rule rather than the exception in anti Israel propaganda.

  2. The photoshopped image has been polluting the Internet since at least 2012.


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