Sunday, 2 August 2015

In Britain, Muslims React To Cameron's Recent Anti-Extremism Speech (videos)

The following two videos relate to British prime minister David Cameron's recent speech in Birmingham as outlined here

In this video (which also features Jonathan Fryer, a journalist specialising in counter-extremism and counter-terrorism issues, who warns inter alia of Saudi-financed Wahhabism) Manchester-based Reza Nadeem of the Muslim Public Affairs Committee, unequivocally condemns Cameron's speech. The way Muslims are lectured, Mr Nadeem says, "is so deeply Islamophobic it's off-putting" and excoriates calls for "integration" because, he maintains, "assimilation" is meant by that concept.  He insists that if Muslims are to be placated and feel part of British society Britain's "unjust foreign policy ... needs to change" and inevitably "Palestine" is mentioned (at approx. 11:58 particularly).

In this footage some distinctly less urbane voices react to Cameron's speech.  In fact, one member of the crowd cautions a particularly raucous speaker not to "scream or shout or people will take it the wrong way".  The Crusaders and the East India Company figure in the screeching rant, but so, specifically, do Jews and Christians the former more than once.  (Highlights, if that's the appropriate term, at approximately 2:10, 4:13, 4:47).


  1. Religious nut jobs!

    1. Sorry for the late posting of your comment - am moving house and have been preoccupied.


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