Wednesday, 26 August 2015

"I'm Making A Collection That [Will] Reduce Pro-Israel Deceivers To Silence" Says Mick

I've just moved house, and my internet provider isn't up and running in the new place yet, so my blogposts will be intermittent for the time being.  And that will explain tardiness in posting any comments on exiting posts, for which I apologise.

Anyway, as I sit here on the floor of the previous place, where I can still access the internet, I see that following his latest historically challeneged blooper, about which I blogged last week, our old friend, the Scottish PSC chief, has girded his loins, clutched his claymore, and called the clansmen to action:

 To that end, some of his followers have been obligingly leaving pictures for his gallery.  Here's a selection of what lines the walls.

 Same old ignorance.  Same old double standards (everyone seems to be erecting security barriers these days).  Same old inaccuracies.  Same old libels (the Al Dura incident).

 I think the gallery curator needs to sack the staff, don't you?


  1. Maximum height vs average height. They couldn't be more obviously misleading. Not that the height of either structure is particularly relevant to the merits or faults of each.

    How to Lie with Statistics

    The Berlin wall was designed to keep people from escaping tyranny. Israel's defensive barrier was designed to keep terrorists from attacking civilians.

    1. Also, they're comparing a wall in a city to a wall (actually, mostly a fence) along a border. Not exactly the same thing.

    2. Sorry, I meant to say " along a national border."

      One other point: The way they phrased the question begs these feeble responses. It's that Palestine never existed as an Arab state. Put like that, this contention is harder to answer. Plus the fact that the Palestine Post was a Jewish publication, and the forerunner of the Jerusalem Post. Quite an irony there.

      The coins? They date from the Mandate. And the Al-Durrah pictures are a total farce. These responses only show the weaknesses in their arguments.

  2. A pity none of these clowns can answer a single question from Dry Bone's Quiz

  3. An irony is that the Palestine Post was a Jewish publication. It was the forerunner to the Jerusalem Post. There was no state of Palestine. From what I understand, it was a vague reference to a historical area, but not a state or province. Before 1948, the word "Palestinian" referred to Jews. It's what they called themselves. The Arabs just referred to themselves as "Arabs" or perhaps "Syrians." Perhaps a major mistake the Jews made (though they couldn't have known it at the time, was to stop referring to themselves as "Palestinians" and start calling themselves "Israelis." Once the "Palestinian" term was up for grabs, and the Arabs took it for themselves, the die was cast.

  4. Apologies for the tardy posting of your comments, Joanne. I have been having Internet connection troubles.

    1. No problem, Daphne. And I just realized that my last comment was a bit repetitive of one I left earlier. You can disregard it if you wish.


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