Saturday, 18 July 2015

In Melbourne, Anti-Islam Demo Attacked By Leftist "Anti-Racists" (videos)

Nasty scenes of scuffling in Melbourne today, as hundreds of leftist "anti-racists" poured into the city centre to attack a rally held outside the Victoria State Parliament by the "Reclaim Australia" movement (which alleges, and opposes, the creeping islamisation of Australia) necessitating the deployment of "400 police" to the area and the use of capsicum spray on many of the leftist counter-protesters. 

According to one television news report, referring to the leftists, "some of their number [were] clearly not averse to violence".  Another televison news report noted that they seemed "more intent on attacking police".

A police spokesman observed in one of those reports that "From a policing point of view, we can't see the difference between the two sides".

 See and read more here and (especially) here

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