Saturday, 11 July 2015

"Glory, Glory, Palestine!": Muslims march against Israel in London (video) (updated again)

On so-called Al Quds Day, a massive mob of Muslims march with their banners and slogans condemning Israel.  At the head of the procession, a Neturei Karta nut is clearly visible, and later, amid the hijabbed hordes, a couple of western women are spotted ...

The chant "Glory, Glory, Palestine," adapted from Julia Ward Howe's "Battle Hymn of the Republic," provides a surreal touch ...

In this video by our old friend Alex Seymour, more westerners hove into view, and more chants assail the eardrums:

 Oh, and if you can bear to watch, check it out for the German Israel-demoniser.

Yet more footage.  Despicable chants and sentiments.

 I don't know who the bloke in the kippa is:


  1. let's get this straight - the beardie weirdie from NK joins in this protest despite it being shabbos?

    1. There isn't only one NK person, I counted four I think.

  2. Incredible, but true. It's what they do.

    And talking of beards:

  3. Marchers were bussed in from Manchester and Luton.

  4. 'Judaism yes, Zionism no' in the second video sounds threatening. that top video - depressing and frightening, all those hate mongers and their prams and buggies.

    1. It looks like intimidation, an atmosphere in which Jews could well be lynched. Surely it is an affront to public order.

  5. Was there a Jew Hate Day in Melbourne or Sydney this year? If there was, I missed it.

    Where were they all? Antony, Fightin' Fr Smith, the Greens especially their NSW spokesperson on Gay and Lesbian stuff, the usual suspects from the universities ...

    What were they doing without a Jew Hate Day?

    I'm curious.

  6. Me too, Geoff. The good father, I believe, has flown to Syria...


    2. A veritable tea party! There was Dave, though.

    3. Wow. Thanks HY

      Maybe seventy men and boys and perhaps twenty women in their section in a community hall probably in a mosque they don't even name.

      But that's where Fighting Father Dave was alright. Very upfront and clerical.

      My guess? He's been told that if he appears at a public rally again on the day he can hand back his collar and costume.

      Anglicans are getting embarrassed by him and embarrassment is doom in that church. There might be life after death but there is only oblivion after embarrassment. Trust me with this.

      That might be a reason they are out of the parks and streets. Another pressure from civil and other authorities not to flair a shia sunni conflict in the big cities.

      Of course the main target of the attack of the rally was not Israel but Saudi Arabia. Kick boxer Dave is not just ideologically aligned with any old Muslims. These clerics are in thick as molasses with the ayatollahs of Tehran.

    4. Crikey! Is the Anglican Church in Oz thinking of doing a Bishop of Guildford on him? (Remember our old friend Sizer?!)

  7. I sure do remember Sizer.

    I don't have any special knowledge because I would never ask. For instance a close friend since childhood is a senior lawyer on the Gold Coast and very prominent in the laity. He chairs the board of an Anglican girls' college and of a Christian radio station. Conservative,, not at all stuffy and a top bloke.

    Anyway I digress. A while back we briefly chatted about my Israel advocacy which he knew immediately was a human rights issue for me. He brought up "that guy in Sydney". .He knew Fr Dave's church, parish and position and made his distaste well clear. He didn't need words.

    The Church is decentralized, reluctant naturally to interfere in personal politics however Father Dave is known more widely than the average Sydney parish priest I think. .

    1. That's a moot point about the decentralisation of the church - thanks for pointing it out, Geoff.

  8. Part way through that home made video there is this quote.

    "If there are twenty patient ones of you they shall overcome two hundred, and if there are a hundred of you they shall overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they are people who do not understand"

    Surah al-Anfaal 8:65.

    This is narrated by the video maker.

    Who could he mean by the "disbelievers"? Surely not Father Dave obviously. There's only one of him.

    Perhaps he means the Sunnis?


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