Sunday, 14 June 2015

In London, Pro-Israel Voices Talk Back To The Demonisers (video)

Please don't miss David Singer's latest article (the post before this), regarding BDS and a Harvard student who went to Israel with the intention of hating that country but instead, once there, had the scales fall from his eyes.

And don't miss Professor Denis MacEoin's marvellous indictment of student BDS and the topsy turvy outlook and breath-taking hypocrisy that surrounds it, as exemplified by the attitude of the National Union of Students in Britain.
To quote the professor, inter alia:
'The world you live in us upside down: you claim to act in defense of human rights, but your motions do not reflect this. You give free passage to the worst abusers of human rights -- countries that persecute religious minorities, suppress and kill women, throw homosexuals from high roofs, execute hundreds of dissidents every year, and imprison, torture and slaughter -- without rebuke. Yet you fulminate against Israel, which does none of these things. It does not use torture; it does not execute anyone -- not even Palestinian terrorists who have committed mass murder against innocent civilians and children.
Neither the great many supporters of Israel whom I know personally nor I want anything but the best possible future for the Palestinians.
 No one I know hates the Palestinians. What we do hate are the organizations that exploit and dominate the Palestinian people, that deny them the right to vote for new governments, the culture of hatred in Palestinian mosques, schools, and political speeches, and the acts of terror and war that have been directed at Jewish, Muslim and Christian Arab Israelis for many decades.,7340,L-4666914,00.html
 It is the hatred and the violence we deplore, knowing as we do that this hurts not only Israelis, but that, since 1948, it has been blocking Palestinians from achieving their true potential.
We believe sincerely that boycotting, sanctioning and divesting from Israel will not bring peace so long as the Palestinian leaderships in Gaza and the West Bank insist that they intend to destroy Israel and take control of its entire territory.....'
Meanwhile, in London, here's the ubiquitous Sandra at the mike.

Great to see that she and the other anti-Israel demonstrators in London on Thursday outside the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA), protesting against BAFTA's  decision to host the Israeli-funded Seret film festival, encountered some backtalk from a number of, er, Zionists:

More videos of the anti-Israel protesters here and here

1 comment:

  1. This response to the nauseating Jew-Haters is nearly a year old now, but it still gives me a kick:


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