Sunday, 10 May 2015

Tonge in Place & "Nasty" Nick Cotton's Noxious Noise

The inevitable set of Mendacious Maps prominently displayed, the Richmond branch of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign has been making merry with all the fun of the fair.

Among the Israel-haters saying their bit to camera in the following footage by branch honcho Alex Seymour (aka Seymour Alexander) is the incorrigible Jenny Tonge, looking and sounding as sour as always.

But the "star" of Seymour's video is a bloke with a Jewish name.  He's actor John Altman, best known for playing Dot Cotton's jailbird son "Nasty"Nick Cotton in the BBC TV soap "EastEnders".

The script that Altman spews is full of spite and venom, and woeful, disgusting ignorance.  Shame on him.

Meanwhile, north of the Border, where the Scottish Nationalists have trounced all comers, the Israel-haters of the Argyll branch of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign have been indulging in May merriment of their own.  They held a conference yesterday in Glasgow on the theme "Ending Scottish Arms Trade With Israel".

And talking of Mendacious Maps, as I noted briefly on this blog's Facebook page last week, there's a new set out.  This sleight-of-hand set, presumably intended for a British audience, is from a seemingly new kid on the block.  In his own way he's as ignorant as "Nasty" Nick Cotton: he  claims that the Britain promised Ottoman Palestine to both Jews and Arabs. But, of course, the Mandate was for the Jewish National Home, not an Arab national home or a "Palestinian" national home, not least since nobody, including the Arabs themselves, had any notion of a separate "Palestinian people" at that juncture.


  1. Is Altman Jewish, he wears a crucifix in this photo but could be a role he's playing

    1. No idea. I don't think he uses that last-refuge-of-a-scoundrel remark "As a Jew" when libelling Israel so it's anyone's guess!

    2. my money would be on part Roma like the Krays and Bob Hoskins - there's a description I saw of Altman's "gipsy black eyes"

  2. ROFL 74 views, that's probably twice the number that saw their stupid stall

    1. I recall a stall of the same sort last year.

  3. More theatrical high jinks:


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