Sunday, 3 May 2015

"The Worst Political Mistake Of The Late Twentieth Century ... This Is A Danger Zone For Us"

That's the view of Dr Marc Benhuri, a distinguished American of Iranian Jewish birth, regarding Western connivance in the overthrow of the ruler who brought Iran "from the Dark Ages to the twentieth century," the Shah of Iran, thereby facilitating  the 1979 Revolution which has unleashed such peril and evil upon the world.

Dr Benhuri's views in the following videos (dating to late 2014 and this week respectively) make sobering viewing in their discussion of the backwardness and cruelty of the Islamist regime, its barbaric attitude towards the marriage of young girls, and its repellent oppression of women, minorities and dissenters, as well as its wanting to "wipe out Israel from the face of the earth".

He also, of course, warns vehemently against Obama's recklessly conciliatory policy towards the Iranian regime.

The second video is shorter than the former (which lasts a little over half an hour), concentrating on the experiences of the speaker's Jewish family in Iran and his new book which, although a work of fiction, is based on their story.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Bryn, he's a truly vile little man - like former Aussie PM the late Malcolm Fraser he seems incapable of retiring gracefully.


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