Tuesday 5 May 2015

In Britain, Leftwing Hypocrites Betray Gender Equality In Pursuit Of Muslim Votes

At a secular political meeting in Birmingham addressed by Labour Party heavies including Jack Dromey, husband of ex-Cabinet Minister Harriet Harman who is an ultra-feminist if ever there was one, women are seated on the left of their menfolk, who by contrast are seated on the right, befitting their superior status.

Yes, this is an audience of Muslims, and, even though the occasion is a civic one, not a religious one, they've insisted on gender apartheid.

When such a thing happened some years ago at the insistence of a Muslim mayor in the East End of London, there was much indignation, and at least one Muslim councillor of the inferior sex was among those doing the grumbling.

Hey, but there's a General Election on, and the speakers from the Labour Party, Jack Dromey and the rest of the gang, show that when it comes to catching votes they're fully prepared to sell modern British values down the river.

Emmeline Pankhurst, Emmeline Fawcett and their cohorts must be spinning in their graves.

Read the entire squalid story on the influential Guido Fawkes blog here and here and also see The Spectator here


  1. I doubt Labour cares one way or the other. They're after votes, doesn't really matter whose votes.

  2. Female rights in multicultural Britain have been on the slide for some time Daphne.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2042195/Baroness-Shreela-Flather-says-Nigerian-men-4-wives-theyre-lazy.html

  3. My (perhaps cynical) theory is that the Left of today, with their islamophilia is not only favorable to gender apartheid but also - at least tacitly - approving of, if not emulting the practices of mohamed wrt Aisha - remember the "scandals" at the BBC ?


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