Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Bats & Boycotts: Two Aussie Blondes

A still from
You may remember her here

She made a real fool of herself, and showed how viscerally, battily antisemitic she is, in explaining that the logo for the 2012 Olympics was a conspiracy by "Jewry" and "the world Zionist predator". With input from the Freemasons, apparently.

And you may remember my description of her here:
 'Born in 1946, Michèle Mainwaring was a beauty queen – Miss Newcastle [NSW], 1968 – who went on to marry, in 1970, an Australian psychiatrist of Russian background, she controversially styling herself Countess Griaznoff on the basis of a disputed title in his family, before making a brief marriage in 1991 to the Australian financier Sir Frank Renouf, nearly thirty years her senior, with whom she set up home in London, where she continues to be based.
As Lady Renouf, she has become notorious for her support of and personal friendship with some of the big beasts of the Holocaust denial movement including Germar Rudolf and Ernst Zündel ... the Frenchman Robert Faurisson ... Australian Holocaust denier Frederick Toben – as well as Bishop Richard Williamson and the Holocaust minimiser – he denies that he’s a denier altogether – David Irving....
In 2005, during his trial in Vienna for Holocaust denial, which she attended, Lady Renouf organised financial support for Irving's family, maintained his website, and called for "so-called Holocaust victims" to be "exhumed to see whether they died from typhoid or gas" ...
She’s described Judaism as a "repugnant and hate-filled religion" and travelled to Teheran in 2006 for the "International Conference - Holocaust Review: A Global Vision", where she reportedly declared that Judaism possesses a "dangerously misanthropic tendency" and a "fundamentally anti-gentile narcissism", and that “the anti-gentile nature of Judaism” causes antisemitism....
 Lady Renouf is obsessed with the bizarre notion that Birobidjan – the Jewish autonomous oblast in the far east of the Soviet Union, that Stalin dreamed up, is the true destination of the Jews; she wants the Israelis to up sticks and relocate there....'
She was wallowing in the cesspool of Jew-hatred again, a few days ago, at a gathering of Holocaust Deniers in a London Hotel.

To quote the perspicacious Douglas Murray:
'[The] Mail on Sunday had an interesting account of a meeting in London of Nazis, neo-Nazis, British National Party types and anti-Semites of various other hues. The paper infiltrated the meeting and exposed what was said - which is a very good service and deserves praise.
.... But I confess to feeling fairly unbothered by such a gathering where the best they can do in terms of personnel is to find an admirer of Hitler from Spain, a retired schoolteacher wearing a British Union of Fascists lapel badge and carrying a book by Oswald Mosley and the absurd ‘Lady’ Michele Renouf, a former ‘hand model’ whose brain has never been what I suppose her hands once were.
According to the Mail on Sunday, Pedro Varela, the Spanish man, gave a speech about ‘the children of darkness’, during which:
 ‘He also appeared to call for a boycott of Jewish shops and businesses, saying: “In the Middle Ages, the Jews had all the gold in the world but they were living in the ghettos. They still have the gold of the world and are the masters of it…”’
Barrister Mr Jonathan Arkush, vice-president of the British Board of Deputies, the man who so successfully interceded with the Anglican authorities following January's despicable 9/11 Facebook post by Stephen Sizer, and who deserves to win the forthcoming presidential election at the Board, says, reports the Mail,
'The material from this white supremacist group makes ugly reading,’ said barrister Jonathan Arkush, vice-president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews.
On the face of it, their proceedings should be investigated to ascertain whether criminal offences have been committed, including incitement to racial hatred.’
That's understandable, and in keeping with Mr Arkush's robust leadership style.

Nevertheless, it's hard not to agree with Douglas Murray when he suggests when we consider the real danger to Jews and Jewish interests the pathetic little group of Holocaust Denying nutjobs palse into insignificance when compared to Natalie Bennett (incidentally, like Lady Renouf a native of New South Wales, and her UK Greens):
'Natalie Bennett, the Green party’s Australian-born leader, has confirmed her stance. Bennett has told the Jewish Chronicle that she not only supports an economic boycott of Israel but a cultural boycott too. This presumably means that Bennett believes British citizens should not listen, for instance, to a performance by a Jewish pianist who has been born in the historic homeland of the Jewish people.
 Or visit an exhibition by a painter from Israel or receive medical assistance from a Jewish surgeon who has migrated (aren’t the Green Party in favour of open borders?) to the historic homeland of the Jewish people seventy years after the creation of the State of Israel.
I suppose that for the time being Bennett would still allow us to hear a Jewish pianist so long as the said pianist had not asserted their right to go to live in the world’s one and only Jewish state. But it is striking that the only type of migrant Bennett thinks we should boycott and disdain are Jewish migrants.'
I think it's time I trotted out this Australian newspaper headline again.  It's from the Sydney-based Hebrew Standard, and I think the year is 1946.

A reasonable view to hold in the immediate wake of the Shoah.

But, alas, it  what  Conor Cruise O'Brien called "a very light sleeper" was only slumbering after all.

1 comment:

  1. Daphne the second link is missing an "H" in the http
    I noticed Lady Frightbat in the DM article.
    It looks like the Nazis don't want the leftists to hog all the Jew hatred and are staging a comeback:
    Neo-Nazis Plan Second Rally Targeting London Jews


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