Monday, 9 February 2015

PSC Branch Organiser Keeping Antisemitic Company (again)

Tony Gratrex, who was (I'm not sure whether he still is) organiser of the Reading Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) branch, has veered into antisemitism on several occasions.  See, for instance, here and here

I've drawn attention in a couple or more posts to the antisemitic stuff that he tolerates on his Facebook wall.

On January 27, Holocaust Memorial Day, this vile antisemitic post appeared on Facebook, from a group that specialises in antisemitic anti-Israel material that make its way to Mr Gratrex's wall.   Shame to say, Mr Gratrex seems to approve:

Gratrex's Facebook friends, in addition to overt antisemites, include the vicar of Virginia Water (account at present suspended), members of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, the CEO of a well-known Israel-criticising NGO, and members of Jewish Israel-bashing fringe organisations.

Surely these people don't want to be associated any longer with a man who approves of such posts as that.

Isn't it high time for them to de-friend him?

Meanwhile, from the new Bishop of Guildford on Twitter:

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