Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Ferguson Flashmob in Nazareth (video)

What I want to know is: If these people are so materially deprived, who paid for their trip?



  1. This has been going on for a while, you almost feel sorry for the people just trying to incite violence against the police for no reason, being hijacked by the anti-Israel, terrorist supporting crowd.

    One of the ringleaders is Bassem Masri is a nasty piece of work.
    But at least one of the locals got something out of it ...his phone

    Ferguson Protestor Has Phone Stolen–While Live-Streaming Riot
    Bassem Masri, a pro-Palestinian activist who is live-streaming the violent protests in Ferguson, Missouri, had his smartphone stolen as he was live-streaming the action

    1. I saw the Melnick article at another url and left the following comment:
      While obviously not so overtly outrageous as the one he posted on 20 January (not 29 January as most reports claim) and which was on Facebook for eight or nine days before he removed it, this post that Sizer linked to over a year ago (and despite his undertaking to the Board of Deputies) shows a further flirtation on his part with 9/11 conspiracy theories:
      Regarding antisemitism and its definitions, Rabbi Dan Cohn-Sherbok (misguidedly and naively in my view) wrote a testimonial for Sizer that helped Sizer wriggle out of his predicament last time Sizer was in trouble with the Board of Deputies:
      Sizer gives some definitions of antisemitism here, in his defence submission in 2012:


    Phillip Agnew & Ahmad N Abuznaid

    Bob Knot

  3. Charlene Carruthers

    National director of the Black Youth Project 100 (BYP100)

  4. Does anyone there even know who the hell they are? I doubt it.

  5. 1) Rather small flashmob but they do sing well and seem to be enjoying themselves.
    2) I've lived in Israel 30+ years and I have never heard Nazareth described as the Arab capital.
    3) Marc Lamont Hill is a professor in Atlanta. He doesn't even live in Ferguson. However Wikipedia gives his residence(s) as New York, U.S. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. So, Atlanta, Philly or NY - not Ferguson.
    4) How many actually come from Ferguson?
    5) What is that stuff they are smelling and why?
    6) Do they know they are in Israel and not the Palestinian Authority? It is not clear given they describe being surrounded by settlements and seeing the ships on the bay of the West Bank shore (no such thing)?


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