Monday, 2 February 2015

A European Imam: "A Woman Should Be Confined To The Home & Is Not Allowed To Refuse Sex With Her Husband Even When Menstruating"

A repellent rant against women and wives by an imam in Berlin, a city with an unfortunate history of repellent ranters.  Such monstrous misogyny, in a country whose head of state is a woman!

I wonder how the anti-Israel leftist feminists who are strangely shtum regarding Islamic misogyny equate this with the absurd leftist myth that all cultures are created equal.

Video by the estimable (

Hat tip: Vlad Tepes blog


  1. Meanwhile, at a synagogue in Los Angeles, a women-only mosque (led by male imams, naturellement):

  2. The Nazis had Kinder, Küche, Kirche so this will fit in well.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank goodness the spotlight is being trained on this terrible stain on the C of E at last.

  4. Merkel is the prime minister not the President of the republic.
    No man will be allowed in that mosque -I heard.Preachers and imam female there was mosque in Istambul-sultan's time, was ruled that way


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