Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Stephen Sizer re Article Blaming Jews & Israel For 9/11: "Is This Antisemitic?... It Raises So Many Questions"

On Facebook, the anti-Israel Anglican vicar of Virginia Water continues to sail close to the wind, as far as antisemitism is concerned.

We have already seen how the vicar is not above posting links to conspiracy theories regarding Israel and the attack on the Twin Towers (as noted here, for instance,  and as discussed here) and now comes this post, which links to a truly vile article that would do Goebbels proud and must have every Jew-hater who reads it reacting orgasmically:

Unabashed,  some of the vicar's anti-Israel Facebook friends have already lost little time in reacting positively:

(Update: there are so far 53 comments; the Board of Deputies and the Bishop of Guildford, and perhaps the Archbishop of Canterbury himself, need to see what Sizer has unleashed by that despicable post of his.)

"Is this antisemitic?" indeed.

Does Sizer really have to ask?

Does this man of the cloth not recognise raw Jew-hatred when he sees it?

And if not, why not?

(UPDATE: That above-mentioned post linking to that despicable article, which attracted 60 comments in all from Sizer's followers, none of them suggesting that he take the post down, and with at least two shares, has vanished from Facebook, as of 28-29 January.  Sizer himself is at present in East Africa.)

Apart from that excursion into the dunghill, the vicar continues to post obsessively, as always, about Israel, and in the process sometimes has a little dig at da Joos, but the above link surely marks a particularly low point in the long-running Sizer saga.  With it, he has surely reneged on his undertaking to the Board made in 2013.

Note the Freudian slip!:

Incidentally, Sizer, who's no stranger to Iran's satellite propaganda channel Press TV, now has a new broadcasting outlet.  It's the London-based Iraqi Al Etejah English language TV station.  Its Facebook page gives the station's flavour but I don't know who funds the channel (I wish I did).

Wikipedia says:
"...It is supported by the Hezbollah Brigades. It has both an Arabic and an English version named "Aletejah TV English" which is being broadcast on multiple European satellites such as Hot Bird."
The linked article to the Hezbollah brigades says, inter alia, with footnotes provided:
"Kata'ib Hezbollah (KH) or Hezbollah Battalions is a Shi'a Iraqi Insurgent group which has been active since 4 months before the beginning of the Iraq War (although their first attack was on October 2003), not to be confused with the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah. It is said to be an offshoot of the "Special Groups", which are the Iranian backed elements of the Mahdi Army. Katai'b Hezbollah is a separate and independent organization and not part of the Mahdi Army and its Special Groups. According to the American forces it receives funding, training, logistics, and material from Iran's Quds Force, claims which are denied by Iran. Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, an adviser to Iran's Quds Force is known to be a senior adviser to Kata'ib Hezbollah. The US state department has also claimed Hezbollah provided weapons and training for the group.  The group is known for uploading its videos of attacks on American forces on the internet...."
In Summer 2008 US and Iraqi Forces launched a crackdown against Kata'ib Hezbollah (and the Special Groups). At least 30 of its members were captured during those months. Many of the group's leaders were captured and us officials claim that "as result much of the leadership fled to Iran".
On 2 July 2009 the group was added to the "U.S. State Department list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations". The group is held responsible for numerous IED bombings, mortar, rocket and RPG attacks as well as sniper operations, targeting US and Iraqi Forces and the Green Zone, including a November 2008 rocket attack that killed two U.N. workers....
On 21 July 2010 Iran is supporting three Shiite groups in Iraq that have been attempting to attack US bases, General Ray Odierno said. Kata'ib Hezbollah is one of these groups and the other groups are Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq (League of the Righteous), and the Promised Day Brigades...."


  1. Susan Smith Gist Way too many things don't add up, but like David said, people think you have fallen off the deep end if mentioned.
    9 hrs · Like · 3
    Jacob Harres I'm just curious what the mood and atmosphere is towards those that doubt the official story over in the UK? I know that if you question it here, you are basically labelled a nutter.
    9 hrs · Edited · Like · 2
    Lena Hicks Winters A year ago I would not have believed any of this. On the contrary, I would have thought you quite mad for even considering such a thing. But after spending 5 months in the West Bank last year, hearing many stories, and witnessing the atrocities committed toward the Palestinians by the Israelis, and after much reading and study, I believe everything in this article is very likely true. I have become so disillusioned with the mess that is Israel, and with my own country - America. Nothing shocks me any more.
    9 hrs · Like · 3

    The Board of Deputies needs to make some screenshots of the scores more comments that Sizer's post has attracted.:Far too many of them for me to post here.

  2. From the website of the Guildford Diocese:

    James 1:19 "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry..." Contributed by the Revd Sarah Hutton, Spiritual Growth Facilitator for the diocese

    1. A tad ambiguous, in the circumstances, I think...


  3. Daphne, being as the Board of Deps is notorious for spinelessness Moshiach will arrive before the wimps do anything.

    1. I certainly hope you're wrong, Nathan. I think Jonathan Arkush is better than that. I don't think Stephen Sizer should lose his job over this, as some people I think were demanding, but I do think he should be challenged for what does appear to be his antisemitism, challenged by the Board and his Bishop.

  4. The tactic of conspiracy is an important part of any fascist arsenal which desires to cloud the truth and obscure personal judgment by using prejudicial memes that cater to cultural stereotypes.

  5. With reference to Lena Hickes comments - 5 months in Judea and Samaria? If I lived amongst racists and religious bigots for 5 months I would also begin to take on their stench - critical faculties cannot withstand that kind of relentless assault on any ones senses. But if she was an open vessel to start off with? Then she saw what she wanted to see and simply inbibed more lies and more hate. I do not support occupation but refuse to be assaulted by propaganda from either side. I served in Judea and Samaria and I have listened to and heard both sides. I despise the conspiracy theorist because if the shoe was on the other foot they would demand their rights be protected against us (as the Reverend Sizer does whenever he goes too far in his immoral writings).

    1. Thanks. Hers was one of the milder comments, btw. I never knew how many whackos SS has among his followers until I saw the enthusiasm with which so many have greeted his shameful linking to that heinous article.

  6. Please keep blogging about Stephen Sizer, Daphne. At the moment you are the key person keeping an eye on him. Efforts are still being made to persuade his supporters within the evangelical world to disown him, and the content you're providing is central to those efforts. Thank you.

    1. I note, by the way, that one of the people who "likes" his latest post on Facebook is Hassan Alkatib, who used to work for Press TV and now works for Al Etejah, it seems (the channel on which SS has a new spot). Alkatib makes anti-Israel documentaries.

    2. re Alkatib's interview with Sizer:

    3. More posts by me re Sizer (there are doubtless others!):

  7. This isn't just linking, the "it raises so many questions" is a value judgement on what the linked toilet paper says - what a disingenuous scumbag.

  8. UPDATE: That above-mentioned post linking to that despicable 9/11 article, which attracted 60 comments in all from Sizer's followers, none of them suggesting that he take the post down, and with at least two shares, has vanished from Facebook, as of 28-29 January. Sizer himself is at present in East Africa.


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