Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Sisi Sweet? (includes video)

As MEMRI.org explains:
 'In a speech delivered at Al-Azhar on December 28, 2014, Egyptian President Abd Al-Fattah Al-Sisi called to combat extremist ideology and said: "We need to revolutionize our religion." Calling for "religious discourse that is in keeping with its times," Al-Sisi warned that "the Islamic nation is being torn apart and destroyed" by extremism.'

Read more here

Obviously, such sentiments are to be applauded and welcomed.

But Islam-watcher Dr Andrew Bostom urges wariness: see here
Caroline Glick's take here


  1. I've almost certainly referred to this post of mine before, but the idea of an Islamic Reformation in misconceived. It is a failure to understand the nature of the Christian Reformation.
    The sad fact is that there is an Islamic Reformation. It's called ISIL./S

    1. Thank you, Ian. Always a pleasure to get your perspective.


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