Thursday, 1 January 2015

Shmatter Chatter

 A Happy New Year to all readers!  I'm especially grateful to regular commenters, and to those who send me information for possible posts: please be assured that, even if I don't use the material, I read it with interest, and it is all valuable grist to the mill.

To kick off 2015, here's a photo of some usual suspects welcoming the Palestinian soccer team to Sydney yesterday:

Photo credit : Peter Boyle
And it's got old Daph thinking about the seemingly infinite variety of shmatter, usually in the form of tee-shirts, that the Israel-hating crowd resort to in order to display their propaganda.

Sweltering in the Aussie sunshine, needing to complete some proper work, and not in the mood at the moment to offer profundities, I've been inspired by the above image to dash out an album of anti-Israel clobber, with the occasional trinket and banner thrown in.

For example, in no particular order:

Anti-Israel apparel for sale at a Muslim event in Paris:

At a separate event in France, the BDS movement rakes in the cash from "Generation Palestine":

In London, footie fans join the chorus:

In Cardiff a few days ago, a loquacious Irishman sporting a football jersey in Palestinian colours, with two female sidekicks (not so attired, but who joined him in chants of "Viva Palestina") demonises Israel before a football game, claiming that Gazan "children sleeping in their beds" were killed by Israel "because they were the wrong race" (the second footie banner reads "Hornets Against Apartheid"):

 It's a mug's game; this drinking vessel (yes, it does have a handle) is on offer from Friends of Al-Aqsa (FOA).  That substitute for the letter i leaves nothing to the imagination:

Nor does this, FOA casualwear:

Accessorising with FOA bling (eloquent red bit, huh?):

Similar honesty about aims from Students for Palestine at Melbourne University (well, a flag's sort of shmatter):

The FOA mug in black (I assume it's also available in green):

But don't be caught drinking Coke from this vessel! ...

Fun and games in London: the FOA kicking off its current BDS campaign (#NotInMyFridge) against Coca Cola:

An umbrella at a BDS extravaganza in Japan:

A design as modelled by a social media friend of our old mate the vicar of Virginia Water; this particular friend is not reticent about posting antisemitic memes, but our old mate carries on regardless (perhaps he needs to go to SpecSavers):

Another design, in London in August (no, this chap's not making a moot point about Hamas):

 Another London marcher, 2014:

 In France, wearing the message in English (all the better for the publicity machine):

Still in France, "Generation Palestine" (apparently, despite the grey-haired demonstrator):

What the smart BDSer is wearing in Marseille:

A French demonstrator against Alicia Keyes' gig in israel

French dog; English slogan.  Careful, little fellow: there are plenty who'd boycott you as "unclean"(just heed those poisoned dogs in Spain):

Also in France, blonde hatred and ignorance:

In Australia, favoured clobber at an annual anti-Israel run:

An as-a-Jew Aussie academic on his way to Federal Parliament to spread the word, 2014:

An unashamed antisemitic creep at an anti-Israel rally in Australia:

In America, wearing her hatred on her sleeve:

Another American, I think (sorry, can't make the image any bigger since it blurs):

 In America's "City of Brotherly Love":

More stylish shoulder bags, Gallic fashion:

In bonnie Dundee, the Scottish city that, thanks to George Galloway, pioneered shmatter chatter by flying a Palestinian flag at its council chambers in the late 1970s and has been twinned with Nablus since 1980:

Also in Scotland, a tee-shirt logo giving the aim away:

This bozo's from Jewish Voice for Peace, folks:

A Jewish BDSer at the Open Hillel conference at Harvard in October; the tee-shirt's standard issue, but note the matching logo on the cap:

The daddy of all anti-Israel lies:

In America, another useful idiot (no shmatter here, but I was struck by the pose):

Not standing very comfortably, by the look of those crossed legs ... 

As an Israeli man (much respect to you, sir!) wrote on the Facebook page of Jewish Voice for Peace where the (uncropped version of) that final photo is to be found:
'Just which Palestinians are you all talking about? The Palestinians who, in 1948, fled their homes to neighboring countries when the Arab world attacked Israel and told the Palestinians they can return after Israel is destroyed?
Or the Palestinians who lived in the West Bank under Jordanian (then Transjordan) occupation and annexation when Jordan attacked Israel in 1967 and lost both the war and the West Bank to Israel?
Or the Palestinians who, while living in Jordan in the 1970s, envisioned Jordan becoming their Palestinian state and started a civil war where King Hussein ultimately killed thousands of Palestinians and forcibly removed many from of his country, making them refugees?
Or the Palestinians who entered the Olympic Village in Munich, Germany, and murdered 11 Israeli athletes?
Or the Palestinians who infiltrated a high school in Ma’alot, Israel, took 102 students hostage, injured 50 and murdered 22?
Or the Palestinians who, among others, hijacked an Air France jetliner to Entebbe, Uganda, and held hostage more than 100 Israelis?
Or the Palestinians who were exiled from Jordan to a peaceful Lebanon and started a civil war that cost more than 120,000 lives and created more refugees, with many exiled from Lebanon?
Or the Palestinians who hijacked the Achille Lauro ocean liner and shot, murdered and threw overboard Leon Klinghoffer, a 69-year-old Jewish American paraplegic in a wheelchair?
Or the Palestinians in the Abu Nidal Organization who murdered an estimated 600 Palestinians from rival factions?
Or the Palestinians who wrote and live by the Hamas Charter that states, among other things, “… Israel will rise and will remain erect until Islam eliminates it as it had eliminated its predecessors”?
Or the Palestinians who enticed young and susceptible Palestinians to become suicide bombers with the promise that when they murder Israelis, they’ll receive rich rewards in the afterlife and financial security for their families?
Or the thousands of Palestinians in Ramallah who cheered as the bodies of two Israeli soldiers were thrown from a second story window after they were tortured and hacked to death?
Or the Palestinians who honored a suicide bomber with a military funeral for murdering 15 people (including seven children and five from one family) at the Sbarro pizza café in Jerusalem?
Or the thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza captured on video cheering as two airliners purposely crashed into the Twin Towers on 9/11?
Or the Palestinian families who received $25,000 from Saddam Hussein for their children’s “successful” suicide bombings?
Or a Palestinian like Yasser Arafat (although he was Egyptian born), who became a billionaire by stealing money from other Palestinians as they lived in squalor?
Or the Qatari born and Egyptian-raised Omar Barghouti (who refers to himself as a Palestinian), who co-founded the boycott, divestment, and [including educational] sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel while getting his doctorate at an Israeli university?
Or the Palestinians from Hamas (a group the U.S. and other countries label a terrorist organization) who, when they took control of Gaza, shot several hundred Fatah Palestinians in the legs, purposely crippling them for life?
Or the more than 100 Palestinians from Fatah crippled by Palestinians from Hamas who, at the confidential request from Mahmoud Abbas to Shimon Peres, received new legs and rehabilitation at a medical center in Israel
Or the two Palestinians who proudly confessed to the knife attack and murder of five members of the Fogel family, including the father, mother, and three of their six children, ages 11, 4 and 3 months?
Or the Palestinian mother, Raida Abu-Mustaffa, whose baby’s life was saved through funding and a rare heart operation by a Jewish doctor at an Israeli hospital, yet the mother dreamed that her daughter would one day become a martyr?
Or the gay Palestinian man who, while living in Tel Aviv (considered one of the gay-friendliest cities in the world), pleaded with Israel’s high court not to be deported to the West Bank because it would lead to persecution by his family and his detention, torture and death by Palestinian security forces?
Or the Palestinians in the West Bank who, in 2013, committed 27 honor killings against their wives, sisters and daughters?
Or the Palestinians who, since childhood, have been educated by books and newspapers that claim Jews are sub-human, satanic and animals, and that Israel is the root of all of their problems?
Or the Palestinians who grew up in refugee camps while Saudi Arabia, Libya, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait and Brunei became some of the wealthiest countries in world, gave virtually nothing to help the Palestinians and have purposely kept them in refugee camps as political tools since 1948?
Or the Palestinians who, for decades, promoted terrorism against Israel forcing Israel to build a security wall (that virtually ended all suicide bombings) and now call it the Apartheid Wall?
Or the Palestinians who, after Israel voluntarily withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005, giving the Palestinians land and self-determination, have fired more than 11,000 rockets at Israel, killing Israelis and causing thousands of injuries?
Or the Palestinians who, since the Oslo Accords were signed in 1993, have committed thousands of terrorist acts (not including rocket attacks from Gaza), murdering 1,472 Israelis?
Or the Palestinians from Hamas who kidnapped and murdered three Jewish teenage yeshiva (Torah study) students?
Or the Palestinians who denounced Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas because he condemned the kidnapping and murder of the three Jewish teens?
Or the Palestinian mother of Abu Aysha (one of the suspected murderers of the three Israeli teens) who said if he truly did it … “I’ll be proud of him till my final day. … I raised my children on the knees of the [Islamic] religion … their goal is to bring the victory of Islam”?
Or the Palestinian father of 17-year-old Mohammed Khdair, apparently murdered in retaliation for the three yeshiva boys, who said, “Whether Jew or Arab, who would accept that his son or daughter would be kidnapped and killed? And you want Israel to stop the bloodshed”?'
He's still awaiting an answer.


  1. Boycott Coca Cola? Like the Palestinians do. Coca Cola manufactures in Ramallah.

    1. Thank you, deegee.
      I don't think it will upload here, but I'll try.


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