Saturday 17 January 2015

Ils Ne Sont Pas Charlie Hebdo: Angry Muslims demonstrate on the Temple Mount (video)

Here's footage of the large and vehement demonstration against France that's taken place in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount:

 Read and see more here

1 comment:

  1. Three comments:

    1. VERY few women present in this demonstration. If women in this Muslim community stood up and were counted (and told their men when they were acting stupidly), the world would be a very different (better) place.
    2. Why is it OK to record videos of people, or photograph them, or even carry an umbrella with a human image on it, and yet it is supposedly not OK to draw (or sculpt) such images according to most Islamic interpretations? Isn't this a bit hypocritical?
    3. The book-burners have returned.


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