Sunday, 14 December 2014

Why Boycotting Israel Is Rank Hypocrisy: Scottish PSC chief nails it!

In the promotion of his anti-Israel agenda, Mick Napier, the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign chief, is as usual a very busy laddie.

In the run up to Christmas (or should that be Hogmanay?) he's as active as ever in the cause of delegitimising the world's one and only Jewish state.

At the beginning of this month, for example, he joined Yvonne Ridley, the Press TV presenter and Muslim convert, in a brainstorming conference at Dundee University.

(Note, by the way, the logos of the affiliated campus organisations, with at least one leaving little doubt as to what "Action on Palestine" means to it.)

A week earlier Mr Napier was telling his Facebook clan (hat tip: Reader P):

A few days before that he declared:

The raison d'ĂȘtre and the thrust of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign is encapsulated in the literature they hand out and display at their not infrequent Israel-bashing demos:

Even though their ultimate goal is not as apparent as, say, that of this group which has joined SPC members on marches:

Now, in the interests of good public relations if nothing else, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign headquartered in London has more than once avowed its opposition to overt manifestations of antisemitism.  That is why, for example, it disapproves of branches linking to articles in the antisemitic online rag Redress.

And on 12 December SPSC chief Napier lost no time in rebuking a Glasgow-based follower of his, one Hamza Hussain, who posted an unequivocal antisemitic slur (Rev Stephen Sizer could and should take a leaf out of Mr Napier's book and admonish a few of his antisemitic followers):


And in so doing Mr Napier (pictured) has, albeit unwittingly, hit the nail on the head regarding the hypocrisy that underlies the BDS movement:
 "What about atrocities committed worldwide ... The list is endless ...."

Since the list is "endless", Mick, why is it only Israel you and your followers seek to boycott?


  1. A changing demographic and the loss of a much healthier tradition:



    “Slightly more than 1%, or 77,000 people, reported that they were Muslim, up 34,000 in 10 years, The numbers of Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs accounted for 0.7% of the population in 2011 in total and both have gone up since 2001. The number of Jewish people has declined slightly, to just under 6000.”

  2. As always, everything these BDStards says is prattling nonsense. What needs to happen is to force them to stand up with the courage of their own convictions and boycott or abandon every single 'Israeli' technology, 100% w.o. qualification. And we should help them by compiling a list of those things. We need to force them to sign an affidavit showing they have successfully gone 'Jew-free' and if they don't then we need to give their names to all the other BDStards for appropriate action. After all, even the Nazis were willing to kick out all their Jewish scientists, engineers, doctors and so on even if it hurt their national economy. BDStards need to follow suit at the very least. What good is having principles if they're meaningless?

  3. Has anyone noticed that Scots and Jews have certain cultural similarities?
    Both are small peoples.
    Both have large diasporas who turn up in unexpected places.
    Both are legendarily inventive. Someone once half jokingly commented to me that what the Scots didn't Invent the Jews did. It is surprising how true this tongue in cheek observation actually is.
    Both have a mercantile tradition.
    Both have religious traditions which place great emphasis on the Torah.

    I think there's a marriage made in heaven there. Scotland will lose its obsession with the left when federalism means it has to pay its own bills and stem its own brain drain into its own diaspora (1 million Scots live in England alone).

    Scotland's traditional excellence in commerce, entrepreneurialism and science will need reinvigoration and Israel will be an obvious place to go looking for partnership. It won't take long before they do and that will change perceptions and marginalise these left wing nut jobs.

  4. Thanks for that intriguing and insightful comment. Of course, the Scots played a large part in the commerce, expansion, and peopling of the British Empire, and in its military.


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